Adjustments Appropriation Act, 2018 (Act No. 15 of 2019)

Schedule 1

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Main Division

Current Payments

Transfers and Subsidies

Payments for Capital Assets

Payments for Financial Assets

Compensation  of Employees

Goods and Services

Interest and Rent on Land










The Presidency

Purpose:Facilitate a common programme towards the achievement of the electoral mandate and the enhanced integrity of the state through considered planning, coordination, oversight, mobilisation and support.


(1 550)*



1 550




1 Administration

1 141

(1 550)

1 141


1 550




2 Executive Support

(1 141)


(1 141)







Purpose: Create an enabling environment for the provision of inclusive communication services to all South Africans in a manner that promotes socioeconomic development and investment through broadcasting, new media, print media and other new technologies, and brand the country locally and internationally.

3 100




3 928




1 Administration

5 787

(1 780)

6 891






2 Communications Policy, Research and Development









3 Industry and Capacity Development

(8 037)


(7 692)






4 Entity Oversight

5 600

2 440



3 160




Of which

Departmental agencies and accounts

*—Government Communication and Information System: Operations







3 100




Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Purpose: Improve cooperative governance across the three spheres of government, in partnership with institutions of traditional leadership, to ensure that provinces and municipalities carry out their service delivery and development functions effectively.

1 385 123

(29 450)*

  992 439


422 084





  19 900

(10 650)

 30 541






2Regional and Urban Development and Legislative Support

Of which


(5 600)

       2 500


 4 000



Departmental agencies and accounts

*-Municipal Demarcation Board: Operations






2 000



Non-profit institutions

*-South African Cities Network: Operations






2 000




3Institutional Development

Of which

3 200

(1 600)

     (28 516)


33 216



Allocation-in-kind to local government

*-Municipal Systems Improvement Grant




(23 216)





Conditional allocation to local government

*-Municipal Systems Improvement Grant






23 216



Departmental agencies and accounts

*Department of Traditional Affairs: Operations






10 000




4National Disaster Management Centre

Of which

1 375 423

(3 100)

       (6 699)


1 385 222



Conditional allocation to local government

*-Municipal Disaster Recovery Grant





1 168 819



Conditional allocation to provinces

*-Provincial Disaster Relief Grant






200 000



*-Provincial Disaster Recovery Grant

Non-profit institutions





16 304



-Disaster Management Institute of South Africa: Operations









5Local Government Support and Intervention Management

(8 100)

(2 300)

        (6 030)






6Community Work Programme

Of which

Non-profit institutions

*-National Bodies: Community Work Programme
 -Community care

(6 200)

(6 200)

1 000 643


(1 000 643)




(1 000 799)




Home Affairs

Purpose:Efficiency determine and safeguard the identity and status of citizens. Regulate immigration to ensure security, promote development and fulfil South Africa's international obligations.

1 132 000


1 132 000







  192 328


   192 328






2Citizen Affairs

  939 672


   939 672






International Relations and Cooperation

Purpose: Formulate, coordinate, implement and manage South Africa's foreign policy and international relations programmes.



(8 231)


8 201





(16 125)

(16 125)







2International Relations

16 125

16 125

(7 591)


7 591




3International Cooperation

(40 781)


(41 391)






4Public Diplomacy and Protocol Services

40 781


40 751






National Treasury

Purpose: Support economic growth and development, good governance, social progress and rising living standards through the accountable, economical, efficient, equitable and sustainable management of public finances, maintenance of macroeconomic and financial sector stability, and effective financial regulation of the economy.

351 843


385 965


(6 627)

(3 233)

(24 262)


1 Administration

(10 914)

(5 998)



3 235

(8 088)



Of which

Departmental agencies and accounts









-Finance and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority: Operations

















- Bursaries for Non-Employees: Economics and finance–related studies









2Economic Policy, Tax, Financial Regulation and Research

11 761


11 507






3Public Finance and Budget Management

7 946

10 335

(2 966)






4Asset and Liability Management

(8 833)


(8 881)






5Financial Accounting and Supply Chain Management Systems

(2 474)

(1 620)

(5 124)



4 270



6International Financial Relations

140 656

(2 717)

5 111


162 404


(24 262)


Of which









* – World Bank Group: Share acquisitions







(24 262)


Foreign governments and international organisations









Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative: Membership fee and public finance management support to member countries









Common Monetary Area Compensation: Commitment in terms of common monetary agreement





168 924




Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation: Support for secretariat and programmes









International Finance Facility for Immunisation: Reduction of vaccine-preventable deaths among children under the age of five





1 055




International Organisations: Membership fees









African Development Fund





47 124




African Risk Capacity





(7 676)




World Bank Group: Development assistance to low income countries and assistance in the multilateral debt relief initiative





(47 124)




7 Civil and Military Pensions, Contributions to Funds and Other Benefits









Of which


















Civil pensions









Political Office-Bearers Pension Fund





(237 811)




Post-Retirement Medical Scheme





237 211




Special Pensions





11 000




Other pensioner benefits





(4 000)




Military Pensions: Pensions and medical benefits





(6 400)




8 Technical Support and Development Finance

213 701


386 381


(172 680)




Of which









Development Bank of Southern Africa: Assist public sector institutions to plan and appraise projects in support of the Budget Facility for Infrastructure




400 000






Departmental agencies and accounts









– Government Technical Advisory Centre: Facilitation of public funds for job creation initiatives





(172 680)




Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

30 684




30 899




Purpose: Improve government service delivery through integrated planning, monitoring and evaluation.









1 Administration

(15 790)

(1 475)

(13 000)



(1 370)



2 National Planning Coordination

  4 078


  2 989






3 Sector Planning and Monitoring

   6 342

(1 904)

  8 197






4 Public Sector Monitoring and Capacity Development

   9 663

4 558

  4 378






5Frontline and Citizen-Based Service Delivery and Monitoring

   4 054


  4 270






6Evidence and Knowledge Systems

  (10 421)

(1 659)

 (8 807)






7National Youth Development

  32 758


  1 952


30 684




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









National Youth Development Agency: Operations





30 684




Public Enterprises

1 249 000


(1 867)



1 500

1 249 000


Purpose: Drive investment, productivity and transformation in the departments portfolio of state-owned companies to unlock growth, drive industrialisation, create jobs and develop skills.












(1 845)



1 500



3Business Enhancement, Transformation and Industrialisation

1 249 000






1 249 000


Of which









*– South African Express Airways SOC Ltd







1 249 000


Public Service and Administration

(6 000)

    (5 293)*

(4 243)


1 293

2 243



Purpose: Lead the modernisation of the public service, through a generally applicable framework of norms and standards, to improve service delivery.










 (8 352)

(10 188)



1 036

1 220



2Policy Development, Research and Analysis


  2 250

(2 311)






3Public Service Employment and Conditions of Service

 (4 373)

 2 645

(7 348)






4Government Chief Information Officer









5Service Delivery Support

  4 804


3 936






6Government of Public Administration

  1 200


1 200






Public Works

30 000


38 641


(7 300)

(1 735)



Purpose: Provide policy formulation for, as well as coordination, regulation and oversight of, the public works sector in relation to the accommodation, housing, land and infrastructure needs of national departments. Enhance intergovernmental relations by coordinating concurrent public works functions. Lead and direct the implementation of the national expanded public works programme. Promote growth, job creation and transformation in the construction and property industries.










   3 052

13 444

(8 006)


(2 500)




Of which


















Employee Social Benefits: Leave gratuities





(2 500)




2Intergovernmental Coordination

(1 957)


(1 707)






3Expanded Public Works  Programme

  (19 357)

(17 847)




(1 135)



4Property and Construction Industry Policy and Research

      (3 863)

 3 607

(2 600)


(4 800)




Of which









Foreign governments and international organisations









Commonwealth War Graves Commission: Maintenance of soldiers' graves





(4 800)




5 Prestige Policy

  52 125


51 329






Statistics South Africa



(22 822)


1 868

20 951



Purpose: Lead and partner in the production of statistics in line with internationally recognised principles and standards, to inform users about socioeconomic dynamics for evidence-based decisions.









1 Administration

(16 693)


(18 039)


1 018




2 Economic Statistics

11 995

18 184

 (6 620)






3 Population and Social Statistics

(18 364)

(31 571)

12 930






4 Methodology, Standards and Research

  7 634

 8 742

 (1 219)






5 Statistical Support and Informatics

12 297

 4 645

 (6 229)



13 873



6Statistical Collection and Outreach

  8 011


 7 664






7 Survey Operations

 (4 880)


(11 309)



 6 277












Purpose:Lead, coordinate and oversee the transformation agenda on women's socioeconomic empowerment, rights and equality.


















2Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment

2 858


2 858






3Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management

(3 595)


(3 595)






Basic Education

977 146

6 000*

(3 651)


174 545

800 000



Purpose: Develop, maintain and support a South African school education system for the 21st century.










 21 669

2 000

19 202






2Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring

 (37 895)

7 000

(47 078)


   2 167




Of which









Conditional allocation to provinces









*–Learners with  Profound Intellectual Disabilities Grant





   1 317




3 Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development

  22 561

(2 000)

23 990






4 Planning, Information and Assessment

Of which

966 971

(1 500)

 (2 765)


171 199

800 000



Allocation-in-kind to provinces









*– School Infrastructure Backlogs Grant









Conditional allocation to provinces






800 000



*–Education Infrastructure Grant





175 829




Non-profit institutions









*–National Education Collaboration Trust: Piloting of interventions to improve the quality of basic education





    (5 000)




5Educational Enrichment Services

3 840


3 000






Higher Education and Training

103 430

(4 700)

(6 592)


108 130

5 232

 1 360


Purpose: Develop and support a quality higher and vocational education sector. Promote access to higher education, vocational education, and skills development training opportunities.










 14 310


12 950



1 355



2Planning, Policy and Strategy









3University Education

103 060




103 630




Of which









Higher education institutions









*–Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University: Student housing infrastructure programme





  31 250




*–Nelson Mandela University: Student housing infrastructure programme





  33 500




*–Vaal University of Technology: Student  housing infrastructure programme





  38 680




4Technical and Vocational Education

(12 400)

(1 500)

(14 842)


     1 500

1 480



5Skills Development

 1 910

2 000







6Community Education and Training

 (3 200)

(4 700)

  (3 431)


     2 500

2 054




 365 508


134 443


263 891

 (32 826)



Purpose: Provide leadership and coordination of health services to promote the health of all people in South Africa through an accessible, caring and high quality health system, based on the primary health care approach.










     (13 646)


     (8 296)



     (6 000)



Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority: Operations









2National Health Insurance, Health Planning and Systems Enablement

 176 646


   73 120



103 500



Of which









Allocation-in-kind to provinces









National Health Insurance Grant









*–Personal Services Component



(321 000)






*–Non-Personal Services Component



    (3 500)



    3 500



*– Human Resources Capacitation Component



350 000






*–Beds and Laundry Services Component



  50 000



100 000



3HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Maternal and Child Health

     (5 000)


     (5 036)






Of which









Allocation-in-kind to provinces









*–National Health Insurance Grant: Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Component



   30 000






4 Primary Health Care Services



     (1 350)



    1 041



5Hospitals, Tertiary Health Services and Human Resource Development

 186 508


  76 145


241 730

(131 367)



Of which









Allocation-in-kind to provinces









*– National Health Insurance Grant: Health Facility Revitalisation Component



 76 400



(131 400



Conditional allocation to provinces









*– Health Facility Revitalisation Grant





241 508




6Health Regulation and Compliance Management

    21 000




  21 140




Of which









Department agencies and accounts









*–National Health Laboratory Service: Operations





   21 000




Social Development

(79 354)


(1 500)


(77 854)




Purpose:Ensure protection against vulnerability by creating an enabling environment for the provision of a comprehensive, integrated and sustainable social development service.










   8 500


 3 500


   1 500

3 500



2Social Assistance

(100 000)




(100 000)




Of which


















*–Social Assistance Transfers: Social grants









*– Child Support





(100 000)




3 Social Security Policy and Administration

   (3 801)


(5 000)


    2 199

(1 000)



Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









*–South African Social Security Agency: Post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation of buildings





   2 199




4 Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support

15 947




 18 447

(2 500)



Of which









Conditional allocation to provinces









*– Substance Abuse Treatment Grant





 18 447




5 Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery









Of which


















*–Food Relief: Contribution to food for all scheme









*–Cost of meals





 (27 574)




Non-profit institutions









*–Food Relief: Contribution to food for all scheme














 27 574




Correctional Services



(55 113)



55 113



Purpose:Contribute to a just, peaceful and safer South Africa through the effective and humane incarceration of inmates and the rehabilitation and social reintegration of offenders.










104 048

 65 856

  (9 863)


(1 000)

49 055



2 Incarnation

(178 860)

(105 093)

(55 382)


1 463

(19 848)



Of which









*–Correctional and Other Facilities: Building, upgrading and rehabilitation










   (51 115)

(90 636)

13 961



25 560




  57 328

61 003

 (3 743)






5Social Reintegration

  69 062

68 870







Defence and Military Veterans

546 492


(182 000)


546 492

182 000



Purpose:Defend and protect the Republic of South Africa, its territorial integrity and its people, in accordance with the Constitution and the principles of international law regulating the use of force. Provide for military veterans' benefits.










104 346


  64 346



 40 000



3Landward Defence

 36 944




   36 944




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









*–Special Defence Account: Acquisition and upgrading of main weapon systems and technology





   36 944




4Air Defence

234 878




234 878




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









*–Special Defence Account: Acquisition and upgrading of main weapon systems and technology





234 878




5 Maritime Defence

274 670




274 670




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









*– Special Defence Account: Acquisition and upgrading of main weapon systems and technology





274 670




8 General Support

(104 346)


(246 346)



142 000



Independent Police Investigative Directorate


(14 884)*

11 646



3 100



Purpose Ensure independent oversight of the South African Police Service and the Municipal Police Services. Conduct independent and impartial investigations of identified criminal offences allegedly committed by members of the South African Police Service and the Municipal Police Services; and make appropriate recommendations.









1 Administration

(2 499)

(5 499)

 2 996






2Investigation and Information Management

6 121

(6 463)

 9 350



3 100



Of which


















*–Claims against the state: Civil claims instituted against the department for possible compensation









3Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management

(3 622)

(2 922)







Justice and Constitutional Development

409 403

13 410*

396 945


41 030

(43 124)

1 142


Purpose: Uphold and protect the Constitution and the rule of law, and render accessible, fair, speedy and cost-effective administration of justice in the interests of a safer and more secure South Africa.










384 741

13 410

368 160


1 094

 1 826



Of which









*– Commission of Inquiry into Tax Administration and Governance by the South African Revenue Service



 22 506






*–Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector, including Organs of State


13 083

370 062



  3 355












*–Claims against the state: Civil claims instituted against the department for possible compensation









2Court Services

   (12 637)


 17 534


1 994

(33 000)



Of which









*–Courts: Building, upgrading and rehabilitation






  3 090












*– Claims against the state: Civil claims instituted against the department for possible compensation









3State Legal Services

     (5 701)


    (1 749)


1 392

 (5 400)



Of which


















*–Claims against the state: Civil claims instituted against the department for possible compensation









5Auxillary and Associated Services

  43 000


  13 000


36 550

 (6 550)



Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









*–Legal Aid South Africa: Operations





36 550




Office of the Chief Justice and Judicial Administration



(18 383)



18 050



Purpose:Strengthen judicial governance and independence by rendering effective support to the Chief Justice in executing administrative and judicial powers and duties as both head of the judiciary and the Constitutional Court.











(2 102)

(8 212)



 9 818



2Superior Court Services

6 384

4 046

(5 754)



 7 763



Of which


















*–Employee Social Benefits: Leave gratuities









3Judicial Education and Support

 (5 892)

(1 944)

(4 417)







(150 000)


141 314



(291 314)



Purpose:Prevent, combat and investigate crime, maintain public order, protect and secure the inhabitants of South Africa and their property, and uphold and enforce the law.









1 Administration



233 014



(233 014)



3 Detective Services

(150 000)


 (91 700)



(58 300)



Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

567 805

 (6 187)*

91 129


474 487

8 361



Purpose:Lead, support and promote agricultural, forestry and fisheries resources management through policies, strategies and programmes to enhance sustainable use, and achieve economic growth, job creation, food security, rural development and transformation.










 28 485

(1 213)

24 218


     1 225

4 250



2Agricultural Production, Health and Food Safety

  (2 599)

( 1 252)

(10 110)


    1 320

7 443



3Food Security and Agrarian Reform



 3 482



(3 777)



Of which


















Female Entrepreneur of the Year Awards









Gifts and Donations: Youth in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Awards









4Trade Promotion and Market Access









Of which









Foreign governments and international organisations









International Organisations: Membership fees









Food and Agriculture Organisations of the United Nations









International Grains Council









International Organisations of Vine and Wine









World Organisation for Animal Health









5Forestry and Natural Resources Management

542 012

(2 763)

73 580


470 781




Of which









*–Land use and soil management projects



100 000






Conditional allocations to provinces









*–Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme Grant









Disasters: Fire damaged infrastructure





   1 305




Drought relief





266 500




*–Land Care Programme Grant





200 000




Non-profit institutions









South Africa Wood Preservers Association: 49th Annual International  Research Group Conference









Nelson Mandela University: National Fire Control Symposium


















Economic Development









Purpose:Promote economic development policy formulation and planning for the benefit of all South Africans.









1 Administration









2 Growth Path and Social Dialogue









3Investment, Compensation and Trade










118 515


170 265


(52 500)




Purpose:Formulate energy policies, regulatory frameworks and legislation, and oversee their implementation, to ensure energy security, the promotion of environmentally friendly energy carriers, and access to affordable and reliable energy for all South Africans.


















2Energy Policy and Planning

 (3 000)


(3 000)






3Petroleum and Petroleum Products Regulation

 (1 000)


(1 000)






4Electrification and Energy Programme and Project Management

(51 759)




(52 500)




Of which









Private enterprises









*–Various Institutions









 –Integrated National Electrification Programme: Non-grid electrification service providers





(52 500)




5Nuclear Energy

  59 000


  59 000






6Clean Energy

114 524


114 524






Environmental Affairs

318 000




318 000




Purpose:Lead South Africa's environmental sector to achieve sustainable development towards a better quality of life for all.









6Environmental Programmes

318 000




318 000




Of which


















Expanded Public Works Programme: Environmental protection and infrastructure programme





318 000





(12 373)

(24 732)*

(36 636)


14 423

34 572



Purpose:Play a significant role in reducing unemployment, poverty and inequality by pursuing the objectives of decent work for all through: employment creation and enterprise development; the setting of standards and protection of rights at work, including the facilitation of equality of opportunities and social dialogue; and the provision of social protection.










(10 754)

(5 757)

(36 750)



30 981



2Inspection and Enforcement Services

(6 000)

(6 700)







3Public Employment Services

(2 000)

(5 100)




   3 510



4Labour Policy and Industrial Relations

6 381

(7 175)



12 851




Of which









Department agencies and accounts









National Economic Development and Labour Council: Presidential Jobs Summit





12 302




Non-profit institutions









Various Schools: National Day Against Child Labour









Mineral Resources



(5 800)


5 800




Purpose:Promote and regulate the minerals and mining sector for transformation, growth and development. Ensure that all South Africans derive sustainable benefits from the country's mineral wealth.










8 000


8 000






4Mineral Policy and Promotion

(8 000)


(13 800)


5 800




Of which









Department agencies and accounts









Council for Geoscience














53 822









(34 145)




Private enterprises









Various Institutions: Water management solutions subsides for marginal mines





(5 877)




Public corporations









Industrial Development Corporation: Implementation of small scale mining projects





(8 000)


















28 676









(28 676)




Science and Technology

167 900




168 550




Purpose:Realise the full potential of science and technology in social and economic development by developing human resources, research and innovation.









1 Administration

    (4 288)


(4 288)






2Technology Innovation









Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









National Research Foundation: Research and development in indigenous knowledge systems





    1 200




Various Institutions: Innovation project research





   9 000




Non-profit institutions









South African National Aids Council: Research





     (30 000)




Various Institutions: Health innovation research





    28 800




Public corporations









Various Institutions: Emerging research areas





       (9 000)




3International Cooperation and Resources

     1 500








Of which


















Gifts and Donations: Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa Group of Countries Young Innovator Awards









4Research, Development and Support

170 688


2 788


167 900




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









*–National Research Foundation: South African Isotope Facility





167 900




5Socioeconomic Innovation Partnerships









Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









Various Institutions: Environmental innovation





    6 104




Public corporations









Council for Scientific and Industrial Research: Information communication technology





(6 104)




Small Business Development



1  495



(1 786)



Purpose:Promote the development of small businesses and cooperatives that contribute to inclusive economic growth and job creation.










2 392


4 432



(2 094)



2Sector Policy and Research









Of which


















Gifts and Donations: Global Business Roundtable World Congress









3Integrated Cooperative Development

3 983

6 512

(2 700)






4Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurship

(6 409)

(6 609)







Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









Small Enterprise Development Agency









– Capacity building programme





15 900




– Technical programme





54 737




Private enterprises









Enterprise Incubation Programme





(54 737)




National Informal Business Upliftment Scheme





(15 900)




Telecommunications and Postal Services

3 083 529


137 927


   (1 398)


       2 947 000


Purpose:Develop ICT policies and legislation that create favourable conditions for accelerated and shared sustainable economic growth that positively impacts on the wellbeing of all South Africans









1 Administration

    16 875


   (2 065)


18 940




Of which


















- Claims against the state: Settlement of arbitration award





18 940




2International Affairs and Trade

   27 950


 29 348


 (1 398)




Of which









Foreign governments and international organisations









-International Organisations: Membership fees









-African Telecommunications Union









-Dona Foundation









- International Telecommunications Union





(1 175)




3Policy, Research and Capacity Development









4ICT Enterprise Development and Public Entities Oversight

2 954 709

7 100





2 947 000


Of which









*- South African Post Office SOC Ltd: Defray debt and fund operational requirements







2 947 000


5ICT Infrastructure Support

    84 990

(7 100)

111 030


(18 940)




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









Universal Service and Access Fund: Broadcasting digital migration









-Set top box subsidies, antennae and installation costs





(18 940)













Purpose:Promote and support the growth and development of an equitable, competitive and sustainable tourism sector, enhancing its contribution to national priorities.









3 Destination Development









Of which









Private enterprises









- N12 Treasure Route Association: Operations









Trade and Industry

69 147


78 586


(7 792)

(1 647)



Purpose:Lead and facilitate access to sustainable economic activity and employment for all South Africans through an understanding of the economy, knowledge of economic opportunities and potential, and anticipation of future economic trends. Catalyse economic transformation and development, and provide a predictable, competitive, equitable and socially responsible environment for investment, enterprise and trade for economic citizens. Contribute to achieving government's vision of an adaptive and restructured economy, characterised by accelerated economic growth, employment creation and greater equity.










76 637


71 985



4 446



2International Trade and Economic Development









3Special Economic Zones and Economic Transformation

(19 136)


  6 355


  (25 000)




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









-Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Commission: Operations





 (25 000)




4 Industrial Development

407 209




408 800




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









-–National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications: Operations





  14 000




Foreign governments and international organisations









- International Organisations: Membership fees









-Treaty Organisations for petrology









Non-profit institutions









– Proudly South African Campaign: Operations





      5 000




Public corporations









-Council for Scientific and Industrial Research: National Foundry Technical Network





    (10 000)




-Industrial Development Corporation: Clothing, textiles, leather and footwear competitiveness improvement programme





 300 000




-South African Bureau of Standards: Operations





 100 000




5Consumer and Corporate Regulation

  15 759




   16 622




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









-National Consumer Commission: Operations





  13 809




- National Consumer Tribunal: Operations





    2 700




6 Incentive Development and Administration

(441 159)




(439 000)

(2 159)



Of which









Private enterprises









- Various Institutions









-Industrial Development Zones - Other





  39 000




-Manufacturing Development Incentives





(400 000)




-Services Sector Development Incentives





100 000




Public corporations









-Various Institutions









- Special Economic Zones





(400 000)




-Industrial Development Corporation: Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme industrial loan





300 000




7Trade and Investment South Africa



 1 090



(1 670)



8Investment South Africa

 30 000




 30 000




Of which









Public corporations









-Various Institutions: One-stop shops





  30 000





    33 000




        33 000




Purpose:Lead the provision of an integrated, sustainable, reliable and safe transport system through planning, developing, coordinating, promoting and implementing transport policies, regulations and strategies.









3Rail Transport

(3 000 000)




     (3 000 000)




Of which









Public corporations









-Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa









- Mainline Passenger Services: Operations





       124 634




- Metrorail: Operations





      333 344




- Other capital programmes





  (4 290 858)




-Maintenance operations and inventories





      832 880




4Road Transport

3 000 000




  3 000 000




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









-South African National Roads Agency









*- Gauteng freeway improvement project





  5 750 000




 -Non-toll network: Capital





 (2 750 000)




7 Public Transport

   33 000




       33 000




Of which









Conditional allocation to local government









*-Public Transport Network Grant





       33 000




Water and Sanitation

1 302 211

    (2 223)*

     (10 540)


294 252

1 020 722



Purpose:Ensure the availability of water resources to facilitate equitable and sustainable socioeconomic development, and ensure universal access to water and sanitation services.










      (53 485)

 9 093

     (70 738)



      7 475



Of which


















- Employee Social Benefits: Leave gratuities









2Water Planning and Information Management

    (172 492)


 (167 160)


   1 974

      (7 306)



3Water Infrastructure Development

  1 708 085

(10 873)

 405 782


291 150

1 022 026



Of which









Allocations-in-kind to local government









*-Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant






      6 000



*-Water Services Infrastructure Grant Drought relief






1 008 128



Conditional allocation to local government









*- Water Services Infrastructure Grant





288 083




4Water Sector Regulation

   (179 897)


(178 424)



      (1 473)



Arts and Culture

 (33 527)


(9 600)


  81 752

(105 679)



Purpose:Contribute to sustainable economic development and enhance job creation by preserving, protecting and developing South African arts, culture and heritage to sustain a socially cohesive and democratic nation.










    9 473





9 473



2Institutional Governance

(128 204)


(8 600)


      (4 452)

(115 152)



Of which









Non-profit institutions









- Steve Biko Foundation: Building and upgrading of infrastructure









-Adams College: Building and upgrading of infrastructure









-National Heritage Project: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





    17 409




Private enterprises









-National Heroes Acre:  Building and upgrading of infrastructure





      (5 000)




Public corporations









-National Heritage Monument: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





    (17 409)




3Arts and Culture Promotion and Development

 (16 873)




    (16 873)




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









-Various Institutions: Arts and Culture industries: Facilitation of public funds for arts projects









-Local market development and promotion









-Artscape: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





    11 875




-National Film and Video Foundation: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





    (13 248)




-The Market Theatre: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





     (13 500)




-Various Institutions: Mzansi Golden Economy: Facilitation of public funds for arts projects









- Culture events





       (7 500)




-Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency: Upgrading of community arts centres





      8 101




Higher education institutions









-Various Institutions: Facilitation of public funds









-Human language technology projects





     (1 687)













-Arts and Culture Industries: Facilitation of public funds for arts projects









- Local market developing and promotion





     2 941




Non-profit institutions









-Various Institutions: Arts and Culture Industries: Facilitation of public funds for arts projects









Local market development and promotion





     6 989




-Various Institutions: Mzansi Golden Economy: Facilitation of public funds for arts projects









-Artists in schools





     (3 139)




-Community art development









-Cultural events





     2 139




-National Cultural Industries Skills Academy









-Various Institutions: Capital Works Projects









-Building and upgrading of infrastructure for performing arts projects





     8 081




-Caiphus Katse Semenya Foundation - Incubator: Building and upgrading of infrastructure for performing arts projects





     2 000




Private enterprises









--Various Institutions: Arts and Cultural Industries:  Facilitation of public funds for arts projects









- Local market development and promotion





    (9 402)




-Various Institutions: Mzansi Golden Economy:  Facilitation of public funds for arts projects









-Cultural events





7 500




-Various Institutions: Capital Works Projects









- Building and upgrading of infrastructure for performing arts projects





   (12 182)




-Saigen (Pty) Ltd: Human language technologies





     1 009




Pubic corporations









- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research: Facilitation of public funds for language projects









-Polokwane Performing Arts Centre - Incubator: Building and upgrading of infrastructure for performing arts projects





    (7 000)




4Heritage Promotion and Preservation

102 077


(1 000)


103 077




Of which









Departmental agencies and accounts









-Iziko Museums - Cape Town: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





  30 000




-KwaZulu-Natal Museum - Pietermaritzburg: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





  21 384




-National Library of South Africa: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





  25 255




-Nelson Mandela Museum -  Mthata: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





  39 145




-Robben Island Museum - Cape Town: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





    (8 400)




-South African Heritage Resources Agency: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





   5 000




-South African Library for the Blind: Building and upgrading of infrastructure





   (9 807)




-War Museum of the Boer Republics - Bloemfontein: Building and upgrading of infrastructure









Non-profit institutions









-Various Institutions: Facilitation of public funds









-Heritage Projects









Private enterprises









-Intsika Distribution (Pty) Ltd: Facilitation of public funds









Human Settlements

100 127


(11 201)


103 367

7 804



Purpose:Facilitate the creation of sustainable human settlements and the improvement to household quality of life.










     (2 900)


  (7 303)



4 129



2Human Settlements  Policy, Strategy and Planning









Of which

     2 900




2 970




Foreign governments and international organisations









-International Organisations: Membership fees









-Habitat Foundation





2 170




- Cities Alliance









3Human Settlements Delivery Support



 (3 457)



3 330



4Housing Development Finance

100 127




100 150




Of which









Conditional allocation to provinces









* -Human Settlements Development Grant





100 127




Rural Development and Land Reform



(188 796)


(90 615)

279 361



Purpose:Create and maintain an equitable and sustainable land dispensation, and act as a catalyst in rural development, to ensure sustainable rural livelihoods, decent work and continued social and economic advancement for all South Africans.










52 529

 8 000

(202 305)



246 224



2National Geomatics Management Services

(32 773)

(42 913)

    6 297



   3 841



3Rural Development

(27 266)

 7 803

  10 740


(46 369)




Of which


















-National Rural Youth Services Corps: Stipends





52 000




-Rural Infrastructure Development Building and upgrading of infrastructure





(98 369)




4 Restitution

(11 694)

 2 606

   (3 360)


(34 616)

   23 676



Of which


















- Restitution Grants: Land claims settlements





(536 581)




Municipal bank accounts









-Rates and Taxes: State owned farms





   1 862




Public corporations









-Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa: Support for emerging farmers





500 000




5Land Reform

19 204

24 504



  (10 242)

   5 060



Of which


















-Land Reform Grants









-Land redistribution payments





(349 719)




-Land tenure payments





167 746




Municipal bank accounts









–  Rates and Taxes: State owned farms





   21 709




Public corporations









-Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa: Support for emerging farmers





150 000




Sport and Recreation South Africa



3 000


(3 000)




Purpose:Transform the delivery of sport and recreation by ensuring equitable access, development and excellence at all levels of participation, thereby improving social cohesion, nation building and the quality of life of all South Africans.










(17 000)

(3 000)

(14 000)






2Active Nation

20 500

3 000

17 500






3Winning Nation

(10 000)


(7 000)


(3 000)




Of which


















-Bursaries for Non-Employees: Ministerial sport bursary programme





(3 000)




4Sport Support

8 500


8 500






5Sport Infrastructure Support

(2 000)


(2 000)
















12 063 172

(70 321)

      3 147 437


    2 851 884

     1 958 508

      4 175 202


* Specifically and Exclusively Appropriated