Administration of Estates Act, 1965 (Act No. 66 of 1965)

Chapter IV: Tutors and Curators

78. Inventories by tutors and curators

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1)A tutor or curator shall—
a)within thirty days after letters of tutorship or curatorship have been granted to him, or within such further period as the Master may allow, lodge with the Master an inventory in the prescribed form signed by him in person of all the property to be taken care of or administered by him;
b)thereafter, whenever he comes to know of any such property which is not mentioned in any inventory lodged by him with the Master, within fourteen days after he has come to know of such property, or within such further period as the Master may allow, lodge with the Master an additional inventory thereof so signed by him; and
c)if any immovable property is included in any such inventory, specify therein all particulars known to him concerning such property.


2)A tutor or curator shall not dispose of any property which he has been appointed to take care of or to administer, if that property has not been mentioned in any inventory lodged by him with the Master, unless he does so in the ordinary course of any business or undertaking carried on by him as tutor or curator.