Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, 1998 (Act No. 46 of 1998)

Chapter II : Road Traffic Infringement Agency

7. Functions of board

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(1)The functions of the board are—
(a)to approve the business plan prepared by the registrar in terms of section 8(2), and monitor the efficient and effective operation of the agency;
(b)to monitor the success achieved by the agency in promoting compliance with road traffic laws;
(c)to receive annual reports contemplated in section 8(4), and to advise the registrar on measures to be taken to improve the agency’s effectiveness;
(d)to advise the Minister regarding amendments to this Act or any other road traffic legislation in order to improve the effectiveness of the agency;
(e)to identify and recommend institutional, technical and logistical support which the agency may provide to assist the prosecution of road traffic offenders and the adjudication of offences by the courts; and
(f)to consider any other matter which the board deems advisable in order to achieve the objects of this Act.


(2)The board must annually submit a report on the activities of the agency to the Minister for tabling in Parliament.