Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)


Grading, Packing and Marking of Canned and Pickled Vegetables intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa

Part VII :  Specific Quality Standards for Canned Vegetables

39. Tomatoes (whole, diced, pieces, sliced and wedges)

1. Definitions

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Where used specifically with regard to canned tomatoes of the styles whole, dried, pieces, sliced and wedges—


(a) "blemished areas" means areas into which lesions on the surface have penetrated and as a result thereof contrast strongly in colour or texture with the normal tomato tissue and should normally have been removed during processing;


(b) "objectionable core material" means tough and fibrous texture or tomato tissue representing the tomato core that is definitely objectionable as to appearance and edibility;


(c) "peel" (skin) means the residual pieces of skin with a length or more than 5 mm, which adheres to the tomato flesh or is found loose in the container; and


(d) "whole or almost whole" means a tomato of any size in which the contour is not materially altered by coring or trimming: Provided that the unit—
(i) may be readily restored to practically its original conformation; and
(ii) may be slightly cracked or split but not to the extent that there is a substantial loss of shape.