Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)


Regulations regarding Control of the Export of Fresh Vegetables

3. Application for approval for export

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(1)An application for an approval in terms of section 4 of the Act for the export of fresh vegetables shall be directed inwriting to the Executive Officer or Assignee, as the case may be.


(2)Such an application shall be made at least five working days before the intended date of export.


(3)The following particulars shall be supplied when such application is made:
(a)The name and address of the applicant and where applicable, of his agent or exporter.
(b)The kind of vegetable, as well as specific class thereof.
(c)The applicable Food Business Operator code.
(d)The number of containers, the mass, or the number of units, as the case may be which comprises the consignment concerned.
(e)The intended date of export and the port from which the consignment concerned shall be exported.
(f)The destination of the consignment concerned.
(g)The address of the premises where the consignment concerned may be inspected and the date and time when the consignment will be ready for inspection.
(h)Any other pertinent information concerning the consignment.