Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)


Regulations relating to the Grading, Packing and Marking of Wheat Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa

2. Restrictions on sale of wheat products

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(1) No person shall sell any wheat product in the Republic of South Africa—
(a) unless the wheat product concerned is sold according to the classes set out in regulation 3;
(b) unless the wheat product concerned complies with the standards for the classes set out in regulations 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8;
(c) unless the containers in which the wheat product concerned is packed comply with requirements set out in regulation 9;
(d) unless the wheat product concerned is packed in accordance with the packing requirements set out in regulation 9;
(e) unless the wheat product concerned is marked in accordance with the marking requirements set out in regulations 10, 11 and 12;
(f) unless the samples drawn by an inspector for inspection are drawn in accordance with the requirements as set out in regulations 14 and 15; and
(g) unless the consignment sampled by an inspector is analysed in accordance with the methods of analysis as set out in regulations 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21.


(2) The Executive Officer may exempt a person in writing entirely or partially and on such conditions as he or she may deem necessary, from the provisions of subregulation 1: Provided that such exemption is done in terms of section 3(1) (c) of the Act.