Animal Health Act, 2002 (Act No. 7 of 2002)

14. Directives

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(1)The national executive officer may direct any owner or user, as the case may be, of land or any owner of any animal or thing
(a)to comply with any provision of this Act with regard to the land, animal or thing as specified in such directive; or
(b)to perform or abstain from performing any act specified in the directive with regard to such land, animal or thing.


(2)A directive may provide that anything required in terms thereof must be complied with in the manner and within the period specified therein.


(3)A directive must be in the form of a written notice that must be served in the prescribed manner on the owner or user, as the case may be, of the land in question or the owner of the animal or thing in question, and must be binding on the owner of such animal or thing, and on the owner or user, as the case may be, of the land specified therein and on his or her successor in title in respect of that land.


(a)The national executive officer may—
(i)amend any directive; or
(ii)if the national executive officer is satisfied after such investigation, inspection or examination as he or she deems necessary that the provisions of the directive have been complied with and that the objects thereof have been achieved, withdraw any directive, if such amendment or withdrawal does not exempt the person concerned from complying with any other provision of this Act, that is binding on him or her.
(b)The amendment or withdrawal of a directive as contemplated in paragraph (a) must be made known in the manner set out in subsection (3).


(5)A document that was issued as an order in terms of section 15 of the Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act No. 35 of 1984), and is in force on the date of commencement of this section, is deemed to be a directive in terms of this section.