Appropriation Act, 2019 (Act No. 24 of 2019)

8. Delegations and authorisations

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(1)The Minister may—
(a)delegate to an employee of the National Treasury any power conferred on the Minister in terms of this Act, except section 9; and
(b)authorise an employee of the National Treasury to perform any duty imposed on the Minister in terms of this Act.


(2)A delegation or authorisation in terms of subsection (1)—
(a)must be in writing;
(b)is subject to any limitations or conditions that the Minister may impose;
(c)may authorise the employee contemplated in subsection (1) to sub-delegate, in writing, the delegated power or authorised duty to another suitable employee of the National Treasury;
(d)does not divest the Minister of the responsibility concerning the exercise of the delegated power or the performance of the authorised duty; and
(e)may be withdrawn by the Minister in writing.


(3)The Minister may vary or revoke any decision taken by an employee as a result of a delegation or authorisation in terms of subsection (1), subject to any rights that may have vested as a result of the decision.