Attorneys Act, 1979 (Act No. 53 of 1979)

Chapter III :  Societies

56. Continued existence of law societies

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The law societies known as-

a)in the case of the law society of the province of the Cape of Good Hope, The Law Society of the Cape of Good Hope;
b)in the case of the law society of the province of the Orange Free State, The Law Society of the Orange Free State;
c)in the case of the law society of the province of the Transvaal, The Law Society of the Transvaal;
d)in the case of the law society of the province of Natal, The Natal Law Society;
e)[Para. (e) deleted by s. 15 of Act 115 of 1993.]

shall, notwithstanding the provisions of section 86, continue to exist as juristic persons.