Attorneys Act, 1979 (Act No. 53 of 1979)

Chapter III : Law Societies

59. Powers of society

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A society may for the purpose of achieving its objects—

(a)acquire or hire movable or immovable property;
(b)develop, hypothecate, let, sell or otherwise dispose of movable or immovable property of the society;
(c)make donations of property (including money) of the society;
(d)accept, draw, endorse, issue, make, pay or perform any other act in respect of negotiable instruments;
(e)with or without security, invest or lend money of the society;
(f)with or without security, borrow or raise money required by the society in connection with the carrying out of its duties, the performance of its functions or the exercise of its powers;
(i)employ, fix the remuneration and other conditions of service of and discharge a secretary, one or more assistant secretaries and other officials and employees of the society;
(ii)conclude any agreement with any person for the performance of any particular act or particular work or the rendering of particular services;
(h)establish or promote or administer or assist in the establishment or promotion or administration of—
(i)insurance schemes;
(ii)medical aid schemes or medical benefit schemes;
(iii)pension funds or provident funds or pension schemes or benevolent schemes,

for members and ex-members of the society, for employees of such members, for officials and employees of the society and for dependants of such members, ex-members, officials and employees;

(i)enter into contracts in connection with the carrying out of its duties, the performance of its functions or the exercise of its powers;
(j)appear in support of or in opposition to, or to abide the decision of any court in, any proceedings brought in terms of the provisions of this Act, and if permitted by any other law, such law;
(k)generally, do anything that is necessary for or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the society, and the generality of this provision shall not be limited by the preceding paragraph of this section.