Attorneys Act, 1979 (Act No. 53 of 1979)

Rules for the Attorneys' Profession

Part II : Members

Communications to members

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2.27A communication or notice to a member, if not delivered to him or her personally where required in terms of these rules, shall be sent to him or her by post or electronic communication to the address in the society's records:
2.27.1if he or she is a practising member, at that of his or her main office, or if he or she does not practise at the main office, at such branch office which may be applicable;
2.27.2if he or she is a declared member who has disclosed neither a business address nor the address of an employer, or if he or she is any other person who does not practise, at his or her residential address; or if the member has chosen an electronic address for the receipt of notices, the communication or notice to the member shall be sent to him or her by electronic means at that electronic address; provided that any communication to a member which requires that member to attend before the Council or a Committee of the Council shall be delivered to that member personally or be sent by registered post.


2.28A communication or notice which is posted to a member shall be deemed to have been duly and properly received seven days after posting, and if transmitted by electronic means, shall be deemed to have been duly and properly received on the date of transmission, unless the contrary is proved. An electronic communication addressed to a member who is a subscriber to an advanced signature facility established by the Council in terms of the Electronic Communication and Transmission Act, Act 25 of 2002 that is transmitted to the member and signed electronically by an authorised officer of the Council shall in all circumstances be deemed to have been delivered to the member personally, unless the contrary is proved.