"tier 2 capital"


(a)those instruments or shares that are subordinated to depositors and general creditors and which instruments or shares—
(i)do not constitute common equity tier 1 or additional tier 1 capital; and
(ii)comply with such further conditions as may be prescribed;
(b)a prescribed percentage of capital obtained through the issue, with the prior written approval of the Registrar and in accordance with conditions approved by the Registrar in writing, and such further conditions, if any, as may be prescribed, of ordinary shares, preference shares or other capital instrument issued in pursuance of the capitalisation of reserves resulting from a revaluation of assets;
(c)such component of, percentage of or component and percentage of minority interest in specified issued instruments or shares, and arising from the consolidation of accounts and calculated in such a manner as may be prescribed;
(d)capital obtained through the issue of instruments or shares constituting common equity tier 1 capital or additional tier 1 capital where the relevant proceeds of such instruments or shares, or any portion thereof, are excluded from qualifying common equity tier 1 capital or additional tier 1 capital as a result of a prescribed limit;

[Definition  inserted by section 1(s) of Act No. 22 of 2013]