Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)

Amended Codes of Good Practice (2017)

Amended Code Series CSC000: Framework for Measuring Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in the Construction Sector

Statement CSC000: General Principles and the Large Enterprise Scorecard

6. Start-Up Enterprises

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6.1 A Start-Up Enterprise must be measured as an Exempted Micro-Enterprise under this statement for the first year following the commencement of its operations. This provision applies regardless of the expected total Revenue of the Start-Up Enterprise, subject to the provisions of 6.4.


6.2 A Start-up Enterprise is deemed to have the qualifying B-BBEE Status in accordance with the principles of paragraph 4 of this Statement.


6.3 In order to qualify as a Start-up Enterprise, the enterprise must provide confirmation of its status in accordance with paragraph 11.


6.4 Despite paragraph 6.1 and 6.2, a Start-up Enterprise must submit a QSE scorecard when tendering for any contract, or seeking any other economic activity covered by Section 10 of the B-BBEE Amendment Act, with a value higher than R10 million but less than R50 million (for a Contractor) or higher than R6 million but less than R25 million (for a BEP). For contracts of R50 million or more (for Contractor) or R25 million or more (for a BEP), then the Measured Entity should submit the Large Enterprise Scorecard. The preparation of such scorecards must use annualised data.