Broadcasting Act, 1999 (Act No. 4 of 1999)

Chapter IV : Public Broadcasting Service and Charter of Corporation

Part 3 : Public service

10. Public service

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(1)The public service provided by the Corporation must—
(a)make services available to South Africans in all the official languages;
(b)reflect both the unity and diverse cultural and multilingual nature of South Africa and all of its cultures and regions to audiences;
(c)strive to be of high quality in all of the languages served;
(d)provide significant news and public affairs programming which meets the highest standards of journalism, as well as fair and unbiased coverage, impartiality, balance and independence from government, commercial and other interests;
(e)include significant amounts of educational programming, both curriculum-based and informal educative topics from a wide range of social, political and economic issues, including, but not limited to, human rights, health, early childhood development, agriculture, culture, religion, justice and commerce and contributing to a shared South African consciousness and identity;

[Section 10(1)(e) substituted by section 11(a) of Act No. 64 of 2002, GG 24340, dated 4 February 2003]


(f)enrich the cultural heritage of South Africa by providing support for traditional and contemporary artistic expression;
(g)strive to offer a broad range of services targeting, particularly, children, women, the youth and the disabled;
(h)include programmes made by the Corporation as well as those commissioned from the independent production sector; and
(i)include national sports programming as well as developmental and minority sports


(2)The public service provided by the Corporation may draw revenues from advertising and sponsorships, grants and donations, as well as licence fees, levied in respect of the licensing of persons in relation to television sets, and may receive grants from the State.


(3)The old Corporation shall, by no later than three months prior to the date of conversion, submit to the Minister for approval—
(a)a proposed budget in respect of the public service division listing revenue, expenditure, borrowings and appropriation of funds for the financial year following the date of conversion; and
(b)a three year business plan containing details of operational plans, marketing and financial plans and policies prepared in compliance with the objectives of the public service of the Corporation and in compliance with the general objectives of this Act covering the public service obligation of the Corporation in respect of the conduct of the business of the public service division for the three financial years following the date of conversion.

[Section 10(3) inserted by section 11(b) of Act No. 64 of 2002, GG 24340, dated 4 February 2003]


(4)The Board must—
(a)keep proper and accurate books and records of the financial affairs of the public service division separately from those of the commercial service division;
(b)procure in addition to the annual financial statements of the Corporation drawn up in terms of section 20, audited annual financial statements prepared in respect of the public service division in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice separately from those in respect of the commercial service division; and
(c)submit to the Minister within four months after the end of the financial year of the Corporation-
(i)an annual written report on the activities of the public service division during the financial year of the Corporation preceding the date of the report;
(ii)the financial statements of the public service division for the preceding financial year of the Corporation in question after the statements have been audited by the auditors of the Corporation; and
(iii)the report of the auditors on the financial statements of the public service division for the financial year of the Corporation.

[Section 10(4) inserted by section 11(b) of Act No. 64 of 2002, GG 24340, dated 4 February 2003]