Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996 (Act No. 92 of 1996)

3. Place where termination of pregnancy may take place

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(1)Termination of a pregnancy may take place only at a facility which—
(a)gives access to medical and nursing staff;
(b)gives access to an operating theatre;
(c)has appropriate surgical equipment;
(d)supplies drugs for intravenous and intramuscular injection;
(e)has emergency resuscitation equipment and access to an emergency referral centre or facility;
(f)gives access to appropriate transport should the need arise for emergency transfer;
(g)has facilities and equipment for clinical observation and access to in-patient facilities;
(h)has appropriate infection control measures;
(i)gives access to safe waste disposal infrastructure;
(j)has telephonic means of communication; and
(k)has been approved by the Member of the Executive Council by notice in the Gazette.


(2)The Member of the Executive Council may withdraw any approval granted in terms of subsection (1)(k).


(a)Any health facility that has a 24-hour maternity service, and which complies with the requirements referred to in subsection (1)(a) to (j), may terminate pregnancies of up to and including 12 weeks without having to obtain the approval of the Member of the Executive Council.
(b)The person in charge of a health facility contemplated in paragraph (a) must notify the relevant Member of the Executive Council that the health facility has a 24-hour maternity service which complies with the requirements referred to in subsection (1)(a) to (j).


(4)The Member of the Executive Council shall once a year submit statistics of any approved facilities for that year to the Minister.


(5)Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Act, the Minister may perform any of the functions that the Member of the Executive Council may or must perform, if it is necessary to perform such function in order to achieve any of the objects of this Act.