Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)

Chapter 9 : Procedures for Identifying and Notifying of Differences, Issuance of Exemptions by Director and Interception Orders

130. Issuance of exemptions by Director

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(1)The Director may on good cause shown exempt partially or entirely any person or body from compliance with this Act on the conditions as the Director may direct in any exemption certificate.


(2)In exempting a person or body contemplated in subsection (1) the Director must have regard to—
(a)the reasons for the required exemption;
(b)any serious and imminent risk to air safety or security;
(c)the existence of an equivalent level of safety;
(d)any imminent danger to persons or property if the person or body is exempted; and
(e)any information at his or her disposal.


(3)The Director may not grant any exemption under subsection (1) for a period longer than 180 days, which period the Director may on application in writing extend for a further period not exceeding 180 days.


(4)The procedure for the application for the issuance of exemption certificates or any extension by the Director is as prescribed.