Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 135 : Air Transport Operations - Carriage of less than 20 passengers or cargo

Subpart 7 : Flight Operations

Division One : General

135.07.12A Security of the flight crew compartment

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(1) An air service operator shall ensure that all aeroplanes which are equipped with a flight crew compartment door, this door shall be capable of being locked.


(2)If cabin crew are required or carried, means or procedures shall be established by which cabin crew can discreetly notify the flight crew in the event of suspicious activity or security breaches in the cabin.


(3)In all aeroplanes which are equipped with a flight crew compartment door in accordance with subregulation (1(b)—
(i)this door shall be closed and locked from the time all external doors a closed following embarkation until any such door is opened for disembarkation, except when necessary to permit access and egress by authorized persons; and
(ii)means shall be provided for monitoring from the flight deck the entire door area outside the flight crew compartment to identify persons requesting entry and to detect suspicious behaviour or potential threat.


[Regulation 135.07.12A inserted by regulation 29 of Notice No. R. 535, GG 36712, dated 30 July 2013 (Fourth Amendment to the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2013)]