Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 139 : Aerodromes and Heliports

Subpart 1 : General

139.01.29 Acts prohibited on aerodrome, heliport or in terminal building

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(1)No person shall on a licensed aerodrome or or a licensed or approved heliport—
(a)obstruct or interfere with the proper use of the aerodrome or heliport;
(b)obstruct any person in the full-time employment of the aerodrome or heliport operator acting in the execution of his or her duty in relation to the aerodrome or heliport;
(c)remove any notice board erected by the aerodrome or heliport operator, or with the permission of the aerodrome or heliport operator, or any writing or document displayed on such notice board, or deface any such writing or document or any marking on such notice board or document;
(d)throw, leave or drop anything capable of causing injury to any person or animal or damage to any property;
(e)dump any waste matter whatsoever elsewhere than at a place approved for the purpose by the aerodrome or heliport operator;
(f)commit any act which amounts to nuisance, or commit a disorderly or indecent act or be in a state of intoxication or behave in a violent or offensive manner to the offence or annoyance of other persons on the aerodrome or heliport or make use of offensive language;
(g)write, draw or affix any profane, obscene, indecent or abusive word, matter, presentation or character on the aerodrome or heliport, or on property on the aerodrome or heliport;
(h)dump or spill any substance capable of causing water pollution, whether such substance is a solid, liquid, vapour or gas or combination thereof, elsewhere than at a place approved for that purpose by the aerodrome or heliport operator;
(i)provide false information including a bomb threat that result in the deployment of the aerodrome emergency services;
(j)misuse the fire crash alarm for any other purposes than for deployment of the emergency services for an actual emergency, unless a request from a civil aviation authorities authorised person, or the aerodrome fire chief or his delegate is received for the purposes of determining compliance with licensing audit requirements.


(2)Except with the written permission of the aerodrome or heliport operator, no person shall—
(a)bring a vehicle into or drive a vehicle in or into a terminal building on a licensed aerodrome or licensed or approved heliport;
(b)obstruct an entrance to or a passage in such terminal building in such a manner as to inconvenience other users of the entrance or passage concerned; or
(c)walk or drive across any live taxiway or runway.


(3)Except with the written permission of the aerodrome or heliport operator, no person shall on a licensed aerodrome or licensed or approved heliport or on any public road or parking area adjacent to such aerodrome or heliport—
(a)damage, interfere or tamper with any part of the aerodrome or heliport or any equipment associated with the operation of the aerodrome or heliport;
(b)climb any wall, fence, barrier, railing, gate or post;
(c)wash or otherwise clean or polish a vehicle elsewhere than at a place approved for that purpose by the aerodrome or heliport operator;
(d)cut, dig, damage or remove any soil, grass, tree, shrub or flower;
(e)go on to or damage any flower-bed or anything growing therein;
(f)remove, pick or otherwise damage any tree, shrub, plant or flower;
(g)go on to a lawn or on to ground which has been seeded or planted for the purpose of growing grass to form a lawn;
(i)display any poster, banner or anything similar, except name plates for the purpose of meeting and collection;
(j)handle any baggage or confront passengers to carry their baggage;
(k)tout for any services, including public transport, taxi, car valet, accommodation, parking and car-wash services; or
(I)solicit for funds.


(4)The right of admission to terminal buildings on a licensed aerodrome or licensed or approved heliport is strictly reserved, and signs to this effect shall be erected in a conspicuous place near all entrances to terminal buildings.


(5)The aerodrome or heliport operator, the aerodrome or heliport manager or a security officer acting on his or her behalf, and members of the South African Police Service may request any person on the licensed aerodrome or licensed or approved heliport or on premises of such aerodrome or heliport to explain reasons for being there, and if an acceptable reason cannot be furnished, order that person to leave the aerodrome or heliport and its premises.


(6)A person who is ordered by the aerodrome or heliport operator of a licensed aerodrome or a licensed or approved heliport, the aerodrome or heliport manager or a security officer acting on his or her behalf, or a member of the South African Police Service to leave the aerodrome or heliport and its premises, and fails to do so forthwith, shall be guilty of an offence.


(7)The aerodrome or heliport operator of a licensed aerodrome or a licensed or approved heliport, the aerodrome or heliport manager or a security officer acting on his or her behalf, or a member of the South African Police Service may carry out a search of any article, parcel or baggage in possession of, or under the control of, an undesirable person, vagrant, loiterer or other suspected person.


(8)No person shall on a licensed aerodrome or licensed or approved heliport carry on any trade or business unless he or she is the holder of a valid permit, licence or concession, issued by or on behalf of the aerodrome or heliport operator, which entitles the holder thereof to carry on the trade or business specified on that particular aerodrome or heliport.


(9)No person shall provide false information that will necessitate the deployment of the emergency services, or might have as result that the fire alarm is sounded.