Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 140 : Safety Management System

Subpart 2 : Safety Data and Safety Data Collection, Analysis, Protection, Sharing and Exchange

140.02.4 Safety data and safety information analyses

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(1)The Director shall establish and maintain a process to analyse safety data and safety information from safety data collection and processing systems and associated safety databases to identify systematic and cross cutting hazards.


(2)An entity referred to in regulation 140.01 .1 shall establish and maintain a  process to analyse safety data and safety information from safety data collection and processing systems and associated safety databases to determine  actions required for enhancement of safety.


(3)An entity referred to in regulation 140.01.1 shall submit aviation safety performance indicators and targets to the Director, in which an acceptable level of safety shall be commensurate with such entity's system description and shall be acceptable to the Director.


(4)The Director and an entity referred to in regulation 140.01.1 shall establish a process for—
(a)identifying hazards and occurrences to aviation safety and for evaluating and managing the associated risks;
(b)internal reporting and analysing of hazards and occurrences for developing remedial action plans for the timely resolution of all identified safety hazards and incidents;
(c)early alerting of the persons responsible for operations or maintenance about known or suspected hazards and occurrences that would require immediate safety resolution action to be taken through the operational or maintenance control systems.


[Regulation 14.02.2 substituted by regulation 13(k) of Notice No. R. 3169, GG 48228, dated 17 March 2023 (Twenty-Fifth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2023)]