Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 174 : Meteorological Information Services

Subpart 1 : General

174.01.5 Agreement between meteorological service provider, aerodrome licence holder and ATSU

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(1) The Meteorological Service Provider, a holder of an aerodrome licence, and an ATSU shall enter into an agreement regarding the operation of an integrated aeronautical meteorological station installed at an aerodrome.


(2) An agreement referred to in subregulation (1) shall provide for—
(a) establishment of display equipment for aeronautical meteorological information, by an ATSU;
(b) calibration, maintenance, and serviceability of display equipment for aeronautical meteorological information;
(c) use of aeronautical meteorological information display equipment by ATSU personnel;
(d) provision of information regarding meteorological phenomenon observed by visual means by ATSU personnel at an aerodrome and in a terminal area;
(e) integration of information regarding meteorological phenomenon made through visual means by ATSU personnel in local meteorological reports at an aerodrome;
(f) sharing of meteorological information reported by a flight crew member during take-off and landing phases of a flight;
(g) sharing of information regarding activities at an aerodrome that may interfere with or affect monitoring, dissemination, and accurate measurements of meteorological elements amongst all relevant stakeholders; and
(h) the provision of meteorological information obtained from weather radar by an ATSU, if available.


[Regulation 174.01.5 substituted by regulation 23(a) of Notice No. R. 3170, GG48228, dated 17 March 2023 (Twenty-Sixth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2023)]