Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 174 : Meteorological Information Services

Subpart 6 : Requirements for and use of Communications

174.06.2 AFS

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(1) Meteorological information shall be exchanged through the aeronautical fixed telecommunication network or aeronautical message handling system procedures or public internet.


(2)Where non-time critical operational meteorological information is exchanged, public internet shall be used subject to availability, satisfactory operation, and bilateral, multilateral, or regional air navigation agreements.


(3)The global exchange of operational meteorological information. shall use aeronautical fixed service internet-based services, operated by the WAFC.


(4)Meteorological bulletins shall be originated by the appropriate meteorological office or aeronautical meteorological station and transmitted as follows:
(a)meteorological bulletins containing operational meteorological information to be originated by a meteorological office or aeronautical meteorological station;
(b)meteorological bulletins containing operational meteorological information to be transmitted through an aeronautical fixed service or public internet;
(c)only non-critical meteorological information to be transmitted on public internet; and
(d)meteorological bulletins containing operational meteorological information to be transmitted through an aeronautical fixed service to be assigned the relevant priorities and priority indicators.


(5)Meteorological information to be handled through an aeronautical fixed telecommunication network shall be assigned the priority indicator "GG" and shall include—
(a)messages concerning forecasts, such as TAF, area, and route forecasts; and
(b)messages concerning observations and reports, such as METAR and SPECI.


(6) An ANSP shall, without delay, forward meteorological information including air-reports without specific address, received from an  aircraft to a meteorological office associated with a point of reception.


(7) An ATSU receiving an air-report or a message containing meteorological information transmitted by an aircraft in flight shall forward the message without delay—
(a)to the ATSUs and associated aeronautical meteorological offices; and
(b)to an air service operator who has made a specific request to receive such messages.


(8)Meteorological information to be included in the flight safety messages shall be assigned priority indicator "FF" and shall comprise of—
(a)meteorological messages restricted to SIGMET information;
(b)special air-reports;
(c)AIRMET messages;
(d)volcanic ash and tropical cyclone advisory information;
(e)space weather advisory information; and
(f)amended forecasts.


[Regulation 174.06.2 inserted by regulation 8(c) and (r) of Notice No. 5008, GG50880, dated 28 June 2024 (Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2024)]