Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 61 : Pilot Licensing

Subpart 7  : Airline Transport Pilot Licence (Aeroplane)

61.07.4 Skills test for ATPL (Aeroplane)

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(1) An applicant for the initial issue or revalidation of an ATPL (Aeroplane) must have demonstrated to a DFE I (Aeroplane) (DFE I (A)), the ability to perform as PIC of a multi-engine aeroplane, in an actual or simulated multi-crew and IFR scenario , the procedures and manoeuvres as prescribed in Document SA-CATS-FCL 61, with a degree of competency appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of an ATPL (Aeroplane).


(2) The skills test may be performed in a FSTD approved for the purpose and/or in a multi-engine aeroplane with fully functioning dual controls, and all instrumentation required for the test in a serviceable condition.


(3) During the skills test the examiner may play the role of a co-pilot, or in the case of a FSTD, be an observer where two pilots occupy the pilot seats.


(4) The applicant may operate from either pilot seat in aeroplanes with suitable instrumentation but should perform the duties of the pilot flying. The test aspect (Taxiing procedures) may be omitted if the applicant operates from the right seat in an aeroplane which can only be taxied from the left seat.


(5) The skills test may serve as a skills test for the issue of the licence and an initial type rating for the aeroplane used in the test.


(6) [Regulation 61.07.4(6) deleted by regulation 22 of Notice No. R. 532, GG 36712, dated 30 July 2013 (First Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2013)]