Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 61 : Pilot Licensing

Subpart 14 : Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating

61.14.1 Requirements for Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating

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An applicant for a Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating must—

(a)hold a valid CPL (Aeroplane) or an ATPL (Aeroplane);
(b) hold a valid multi-engine instrument rating;
(c) hold the appropriate instrument flight training endorsement if applicable;
(d) hold, or have held during the immediately preceding 90 days, a valid Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating;
(e) have held a Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating and must have—
(i) given not less than 1500 hours of flight instruction as an aeroplane flight instructor; and
(ii) acquired in an aeroplane or an approved FSTD at least 10 hours of instrument flight time during the six months immediately preceding the application.
(f) have successfully completed the appropriate training course as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61, with a Part 141 approved ATO;
(g) have successfully undergone the instructor ground evaluation test referred to Document SA-CATS 61; and
(h) undergo the skills test referred to in regulation 61.14.4 conducted by a DFE within 30 days of successfully completing the instructor ground evaluation referred to in paragraph (g).