Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 67 : Medical Certification

67.00.6 Period of validity of medical certificates

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(1)A Class 1 medical certificate shall, subject to subregulation (5) be issued for a period of—
(a)twelve (12) calendar months, calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which the medical certificate is issued, where the applicant is less than 40 years of age on the date on which the medical certificate is issued;
(b)six (6) calendar months in the case of an airline transport pilot (aeroplane or helicopter), engaged in single-crew commercial air transport operations, calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which the medical certificate is issued, where the applicant is 40 years of age or more on the date on which the medical certificate is issued;
(c)twelve (12) calendar months in the case of an airline transport pilot (aeroplane or helicopter), engaged in multi-crew commercial air transport operations, calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which the medical certificate is issued, where the applicant is 40 years of age or more, but less than 60 years of age, on the date on which the medical certificate is issued;
(d)twelve (12) calendar months in the case of a commercial pilot (aeroplane or helicopter), calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which the medical certificate is issued, where the applicant is 40 years of age or more, but less than 60 years of age, on the date on which the medical certificate is issued;
(e)six (6) calendar months in the case of a pilot as specified in subparagraph (c) and (d), where the applicant is 60 years of age or more.


(2)A Class 1 medical certificate referred to in subregulations (1)(c) and (d) shall be valid subject to the condition that the holder—
(a)submits a six (6) monthly medical report, if he or she has a medical disease or risk factor for which he or she receives regular treatment by his or her treating physician or DAME, and the report shall include:
(i)nature of disease or risk factor;
(ii)information regarding control of risk factors or disease;
(iii)complications that have developed as a result of the disease or risk factor; and
(iv)type of treatment and side-effects of treatment.
(b)submits an annual follow-up blood test where applicable; and
(c)adheres to the requirements of any Schedule or Protocol as detailed in Document SA-CATS 67, where applicable.


(3)A medical certificate shall, subject to subregulation (5) be valid for a period of—
(a)in the case of Class 2 certificate, 60 months 60 months calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which the medical certificate is issued where the holder is less than 40 years of age;
(b)in the case of Class 3 certificate, 48 months calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which the medical certificate is issued where the holder is less than 40 years of age;
(c)24 months, in the case where the holder of a Class 2 or Class 3 medical certificate has passed his or her 40th birthday;
(d)12 months, when the holder of a Class 2 or Class 3 medical certificate has passed his or her 50th birthday.

[Regulation 67.00.6(3) substituted by regulation 8(b) of Notice No. R. 432, GG 40846, dated 19 May 2017 (Sixteenth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2017)]


(4)A Class 4 medical certificate shall, subject to subregulation (5), be issued for a period not exceeding—
(a)sixty (60) calendar months, calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which the medical certificate is issued, where the applicant is less than 40 years of age on the date on which the medical certificate is issued; and
(b)thirty six (36) calendar months, calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which the medical certificate is issued, where the applicant is 40 years of age or more on the date on which the medical certificate is issued.


(5)Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulations (1) to (4), a DAME or a medical assessor may reduce the period of validity odf a medical certificate and endorse such medical certificate with the reason for the reduction or with any limitation—
(a)if any indication requires medical examination or test to be performed; or
(b)when the safe performance of the duties essential to the operation of an aircraft executed by the holder of such medical certificate, depends on a reduction in the period of validity of such medical certificate or compliance with any special limitation.

[Regulation 67.00.6(5) substituted by regulation 8(c) of Notice No. R. 432, GG 40846, dated 19 May 2017 (Sixteenth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2017)]



(a)The holder of a medical certificate shall, at least 15 days immediately preceding the date on which such medical certificate expires, apply for the extension of such medical certificate.
(b)Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulations (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), the Director may, on such conditions as he or she considers necessary, extend the medical certificate for a period not exceeding 30 days.