Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 91 : General Aviation and Operating Flight Rules

Subpart 4 : Instruments and Equipment

91.04.23 Emergency locator transmitters

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(1)Except as provided in subregulation (3), no owner or operator of an aircraft specified in Document SA-CATS 91 shall operate such aircraft unless it is equipped with one or more approved ELTs.


(2)The number and type of ELTs, the manner in which these shall be carried, the specifications to which they shall adhere, the frequencies on which they shall be able to transmit and the manner in which they shall be maintained are prescribed in Document SA-CATS 91.


(3)The following aircraft are exempted from the requirement prescribed in subregulation (1)—
(a)aircraft engaged in flights remaining within a radius of 50 nautical miles from their point of departure;
(b)aircraft engaged in the aerial application of chemicals or other substances for agricultural purposes, and on flights incidental thereto;
(c)a new aircraft on a flight for a purpose associated with its manufacture and preparation for delivery, but not when on its delivery flight;
(d)an aircraft flown for the purpose of moving it to a place to have an approved ELT fitted, or a fitted ELT repaired, removed or overhauled: Provided that only the required flight crew members may be carried on board;
(e)an aircraft of which the ELT has been temporarily removed for inspection, repair, modification or replacement: Provided the necessary logbook entries have been made, a placard stating "ELT not installed or carried" has been installed in a position easily visible to the flight crew, and a period of 90 days is not exceeded;
(f)aircraft certified for research and development purposes;
(g)aircraft used for showing compliance with regulations, or in crew training, air racing, air display or market surveys;
(h)aircraft with an approved seating configuration of not more than one person;
(i)aircraft operated in terms of Part 94; and
(j)any aircraft on a flight or a series of flights for which an exemption in writing has been granted by the Director.


(4)The Director shall maintain a register of all aircraft equipped with 406 MHz ELTs, which shall contain the following particulars—
(a)the nationality and registration marks of the aircraft;
(b)particulars of the manufacturer's designation and serial number of the aircraft;
(c)the full name and contact details of the registered owner of the aircraft;
(d)the make and model number/s of the ELT/s;
(e)the 15-digit Unique Identification Number (UIN) provided by the manufacturer of the ELT, or the aircraft's ModeS transponder code; and
(f)he name/sand contact details of the person/s who know/s the aircraft's itinerary and who may be contacted 24 hours a day.


(5)On the payment of the appropriate fee as prescribed in Part 187, an excerpt of the ELT register shall be furnished to any person who requests such an excerpt.


(6)For the registration, deregistration and changing of an ELT, the fee as prescribed in Part 187 is payable.