Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 91 : General Aviation and Operating Flight Rules

Subpart 7 : Flight Operations

91.07.38 Operations in RNP designated airspace

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(1)A person shall not operate an aircraft in RNP designated airspace, unless—
(a) an RNP operations procedures manual is available and is incorporating all amendments, approved in accordance with this Part for that aircraft and aircraft navigation system;
(b)such operation is performed in accordance with procedures, instructions, and limitations contained in an approved manual;
(c)the instruments and equipment required by Document SA-CATS 91 for a particular RNP operation have been inspected and maintained in accordance with an approved maintenance program;
(d)each flight crew member has adequate knowledge of, and familiarity with an aircraft concerned and—
(i)its navigation system; and
(ii)procedures to be used, including normal, abnormal and contingency procedures; and
(e)a PIC has ensured that such aircraft and its navigation system are both approved by the Director for RNP operation and that an RNP operation procedures manual is complied with for a planned route and any alternate routes.


(2) A procedures manual referred to subregulation 1(a) may be incorporated in an approved operations manual and maintenance control manual of a holder of AOC;


(3)An operator of an aircraft performing an RNP operation shall keep a current copy of an RNP operation procedures manual at its principal base of operation and shall make it available for inspection upon request by the Director, inspector or any authorised person.


(4)A person requiring approval or amendment of an RNP operation procedures manual,  shall submit such proposed manual or amendment to the Director for approval.


(5)An RNP operation procedures manual shall contain minimum requirements as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 91.


(6)Unless authorised by ATC, a PIC shall ensure that at least two independent long-range navigation systems are serviceable and accurate.


(7)The serviceability contemplated in subregulation (5) shall be done 30 minutes before entry into an RNP designated airs pace and upon entry into an RNP designated airspace.


(8)If an aircraft does not meet the provisions of subre gulation (7), a PIC shall—
(i)notify an ATC when an aircraft cannot meet the RNP criteria; and
(ii) when an aircraft is operating with a single long-range navigation system.


(9)If an aircraft is operating inside an RNP airspace, a PIC shall notify ATC whenever an aircraft cannot meet the RNP criteria and whenever an aircraft is operating with a single long-range navigation system.


[Regulation 91.07.38 inserted by regulation 21(n) of Notice No. R.1503, GG45491, dated 15 November 2021 (Twenty-First Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2021)]