Civil Union Act, 2006 (Act No. 17 of 2006)

12. Registration of civil union

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1)The prospective civil union partners must individually and in writing declare their willingness to enter into the civil union with one another by signing the prescribed document in the presence of two witnesses.


2)The marriage officer and the two witnesses must sign the prescribed document to certify that the declaration made in terms of section 11(2) was made in their presence.


3)The marriage officer must issue the partners to the civil union with a registration certificate stating that they have, under this Act, entered into a marriage or a civil partnership, depending on the decision made by the parties in terms of section 11(1).


4)The certificate contemplated in subsection (3) is prima facie proof that a valid civil union exists between the partners referred to in the certificate.


5)Each marriage officer must keep a record of all civil unions conducted by him or her.


6)The marriage officer must transmit the civil union register and records concerned to the official in the public service with the delegated responsibility for the population register in the area in question.


7)Upon receipt of the said register the official referred to in subsection (6) must cause the particulars of the civil union concerned to he included in the population register in accordance with the provisions of section 8(e) of the Identification Act.