Co-operatives Act, 2005 (Act No. 14 of 2005)

Chapter 12A : Co-operatives Development Agency

Part 1 : Establishment, legal status, functions and powers of Agency

91B. Objectives of Agency

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The objectives of the Agency are to—

(a)support, promote and assist with the development of co-operatives;
(b)provide financial and non-financial assistance to co-operatives to enable the development of co-operatives, provided that deposit-taking financial co-operatives will not be eligible for financial support, but will be eligible for non-financial support;
(c)provide business support services, including but not limited to pre-registration support, registration, business plan development, mentorship and post-registration support and access to market services to co-operatives;
(d)provide assistance and support to the registrar for the registration and deregistration of co-operatives;
(e)provide, facilitate and coordinate training and education support to co-operatives;
(f)assist co-operatives in fully complying with the requirements of this Act;
(g)provide access to information regarding all products, programmes and services available to co-operatives;
(h)raise awareness of and research into any matter affecting the effective, efficient and sustainable functioning of co-operatives and the cooperatives sector;
(i)provide the necessary support within the Agency’s capacity to enable individual co-operatives to become and remain operational;
(j)report to the Tribunal and any other relevant role-players on co-operatives that the Agency has supported;
(k)carry out independent review reports on behalf of the qualifying primary co-operatives and ensure that such co-operatives submit these reports to the registrar; and
(l)develop and maintain data on co-operatives in partnership with the registrar, relevant national and provincial departments, municipalities and other role players.


[Section 91B inserted by section 66 of Notice No. 558, GG 36729, dated 5 August 2013]