Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973)

Chapter VII: Administration of Companies

Meetings of the Company

182. Convening of general meetings by Registrar

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Where all the directors of a company have become incapacitated or have ceased to be directors, the Registrar may unless the articles of a company make other provision in that behalf, on the application of any member of the company or his legal representative, and on payment of the prescribed fee, call or direct the calling of a general meeting of the company and may give such ancillary or consequential directions as he may think expedient, including directions modifying or supplementing, in relation to the calling, holding and conduct of the meeting, the operation of the company's articles, and directions providing for one member or the legal representative of a member or any specified number of members present in person or by proxy to be deemed to constitute a meeting, and any meeting called, held and conducted in accordance with any such direction, shall for all purposes be deemed to be a general meeting of the company duly called, held and conducted.