Part C : Items required to be included in a Prospectus

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54. General statement of required information

55. Specific matters to be addressed ...

56. Specific matters to be addressed ...

57. Name, address and incorporation

58. Directors, other office holders, or ...

59. History, state or affairs and prospects or company

60. Share capital of the company

61. Options or preferential rights in respect of shares

62. Commissions paid or payable in respect of underwriting

63. Material contracts

64. Interest of directors and promoters

65. Loans

66. Shares issued or to be issued otherwise than for cash

67. Property acquired or to be acquired

68. Amounts paid or payable to promoters

69. Preliminary expenses and issue expenses

70. Purpose of the offer

71. Time and date of the opening ...

72. Particulars of the offer

73. Minimum subscription

74. Statement as to adequacy of capital

75. Report by directors as to material changes

76. Statement as to listing on stock exchange

78. Report by auditor where company will acquire a subsidiary

79. Report by auditor of company

80. Requirements for prospectus of mining company