Companies Act, 1973

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To consolidate and amend the law relating to companies; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.


Last update: July 2011

Copyright: This Act reproduced under Government Printers Copyright Authority 10154 dated 20 March 1996

Disclaimer: This Act is presented "as is". Please read our Disclaimer before continuing.


Latest Developments:


This Act has been updated by: GG 27190, 24 Jan 2005 (Schedule of Securities Services Act)


The Companies Act, 1973 has been updated by Notice No. 1171 in Government Gazette No. 33848 dated 6 December 2010.


The Companies Act, 1973 has been updated by Notice No. 192 of 2010 in Government Gazette No. 32981 dated 5 March 2010.


The Act has been updated with an Amendment to the Administrative Regulations, published in Government Gazette No. 32002 dated 13 March 2009.


The Act has been amended by Notice No. 409 of 2005 (GG No. 27352 dated 11 March 2005); General Notice No. 1061 of 2005 (GG No. 27745 dated 1 July 2005); Notice No. R.699 dated 15 July 2005 (GG No. 27792 dated 15 July 2005);the Judicial Matters Amendment Act No. 22 of 2005 (GG No. 28391 dated 11 January 2006); Notice No. 263 of 2006 (GG No. 28519 dated 24 February 2006, and the Corporate Laws Amendment Act No. 24 of 2006 (GG No. 29804 dated 17 April 2007.

The principal Act has been amended by the Companies Amendment Act, 2004 (Act 20 of 2004) as gazetted in GG 26908 dated 20 October 2004.


The act has been amended by the Schedule of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (GG26311) 28 April 2004


The Companies Administrative Regulations have been amended by GG 25739 dated 18 November, 2003.

Amended by the Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 2003, (Act No. 16 of 2003), as published in Government Gazette No. 25196 dated 10 July 2003.

The Act has been amended by the Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 2002 (55 of 2002) as gazetted in GG 24277 dated 17 January 2003.

The Act has been amended by the Corporate Laws Amendment Act, 2002 (39 of 2002) as gazetted in GG 24280 dated 22 January, 2003.

The Act has been amended by the Companies Amendment Act, 2001. This amendment allows electronic lodgement of and access to documents required to be lodged by the Act, as well as further regulating the acquisition by a company of its own shares. The Companies Amendment Act, 2001 is available from the site at

Notice 3076 of 2000, as published in Gazette 21501 and dated 1 September 2000, has been added to the Act.

Section 98 has been amended by the Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 1999, as published in Gazette 20656 and dated 24 November 1999.

The Uncertificated Securities Regulations have been added to the Act as published in Government Gazette 20479, Notice No. R.1124 and dated 23 September 1999.

Government Notice No. 1762 regarding the Y2K format of Company and Close Corporation Registration Numbers, effective from 1 January 2000, has been added to the site, dated 6 August 1999.

The proposed amendments made to the Securities Regulation Code have been replaced by amendments as published in the Gazette No. 20330, dated 6 August 1999.

The Companies Administrative Regulations have taken effect as from 30 June 1999.

Note that forms CM13 and CM14 will be replaced by form CM14A, form CM 27A is added and form CM36 repealed on 30 June 1999.

This Act was also extensively amended by the Companies Amendment Act, 1999, which has also taken effect as from 30 June 1999.


CM Forms


Please note that the CM forms are available from