Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993)

Scale of Fees

Annual Increase in Medical Tariffs for Medical Service Providers - 2020



Annexure B : COIDA & RSSA - Indications for MR Imaging of Injury on Duty Patients

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Annexure:  B

COIDA & RSSA - Indications for MR Imaging of Injury on Duty Patients


Select the appropriate injury, modality and indication. To be used in conjunction with a MRI/CT motivation. Refer also to the document

"Guidelines for Imaging of MRI and other studies for Injury on Duty Patients"


Head Injury - Acute (1) (Acute regarded as within first week of date of injury)
Reduced level of consciousness (1.i.a)
Seizures (1.i.b)
Neurological deficit (1.i.c)
Skull or facial bone fractures (1.i.d)



Head + Cervical Spine Injury – Acute (2)
Head as above (2.i)
CT Spine (bone or joint injury) depending on result spine x-ray (2.ii)
MRI – in selected cases following a CT (2.iii)



Head Injury – Sub acute
Rotational axonal injury (2.d)
Chronic subdural haemorrhage



Head Injury – long-term sequela (3)
If convulsions present in semi acute phase, do CT first (3.b)
Epilepsy (contrast and additional sequences often required) (3.a)
Long-term structural changes (3.c)



Spine – Acute
Bone or joint injury (4.i)


Cord compression (5.i)
Neurological signs (nerve root) (5.ii)
Vertebral body fracture (selected cases) (5.iii)



Spine – sub acute and long term sequela
Cord injury (6.i)
Disc herniation (6.ii)
Post-operative assessment (selected cases) (6.iii)



Chest/Body Injury (7)
Sternal fracture
Vascular of lung
Other organs/soft tissue



Complicated fractures and dislocations (10)
Muscle distal biceps insertion (9)
Cartilage, tendons, labrum, soft tissue of joints (8.iii.a)
Planning repair of joints (8.iii.b)
Knee, elbow, ankle (usually no contrast) (8.iii.d)
Shoulder, wrist, hip (usually with contrast) (8.iii.c)


The numbers after the indications refer to the document "Guidelines for Imaging of MRI and other studies for Injury on Duty Patients". The above indications are not exhaustive, and are merely a selection of the more common indications.