Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993)

Scale of Fees

Annual Increase in Medical Tariffs for Medical Service Providers - 2019

Dental Services

Tariff Schedule

III. Specialist Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgeons


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(M) See Rule 009





(See Rule 011)




If extractions (codes 8201 and 8202) are carried out by specialists in maxillo-facial and oral surgery, the fees shall be equal to the appropriate tariff fee plus 50 per cent (See Modifier 8002).




The fee for more than one operation or procedure performed through the same incision shall be calculated as the fee for the major operation plus the tariff fee for the subsidiary operation to the indicated maximum for each such subsidiary operation or procedure (See Modifier 8005).




The fee for more than one operation or procedure performed under the same anaesthetic but through another incision shall be calculated on the tariff fee for the major operation plus:


75% for the second procedure/operation (Modifier 8009)

50% for the third and subsequent procedures/operations (Modifier 8006)


This rule shall not apply where two or more unrelated operations are performed by practitioners in different specialities, in which case each practitioner shall be entitled to the full fee for his operation.


If, within four months, a second operation for the same condition or injury is performed, the fee for the second operation shall be half of that for the first operation.


The fee for an operation shall, unless otherwise stated, include normal post-operative care for a period not exceeding four months. If a practitioner does not himself complete the post-operative care, he shall arrange for it to be completed without extra charge: provided that in the case of post- operative treatment of a prolonged or specialised nature, such fee as may be agreed upon between the practitioner and the Compensation Fund may be charged.




The fee payable to a general practitioner assistant shall be calculated as 15% of the fee of the practitioner performing the operation, with the indicated minimum (See Modifier 8007). The assistant's fee payable to a maxillo-facial and oral surgeon shall be calculated at 33,33% of the appropriate scheduled fee (Modifier 8001). The assistant's name must appear on the invoice rendered to the Compensation Fund.




The additional fee to all members of the surgical team for after hours emergency surgery shall be calculated by adding 25% to the fee for the procedure or procedures performed (8008).



In cases where treatment is not listed in this schedule for general practitioners or specialists, the appropriate fee listed in the medical schedule(s) shall be charged, and the relevant medical tariff code must be indicated (See Rule 012).