Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act No. 43 of 1983)


Regulations in terms of Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act

Part I : Control Measures

5. Protection of cultivated land against erosion through the action of wind

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(1) Every land user shall by means of as many of the following measures as are necessary in his situation, protect the cultivated land on his farm unit effectively against excessive soil loss as a result of erosion through the action of wind:
(a) The land concerned shall be cultivated in accordance with such method or be laid out in such manner that the surface movement of soil particles through the action of wind is restricted.
(b) Strips of natural vegetation shall be left at right angles to the prevailing wind direction, a suitable wind break shall be constructed or suitable vegetation shall be established to serve as a wind break.
(c) The land concerned shall be utilised in accordance with a crop rotation system.
(d) Alternate strips on which a cover crop occurs shall be left undisturbed anually.
(e) The land concerned shall not be left fallow.
(f) The cultivation and grazing of the land concerned during periods of high winds shall be avoided.
(g) The establishing of crops of which the harvesting causes the disturbance of the topsoil shall be avoided.
(h) Crop residues and other plant material shall be left on the land concerned, or shall be utilised as grazing or otherwise be removed only to such extent that the remaining portion thereof will be sufficient to form a mulch.
(i) A suitable grazing crop shall be established on the land concerned, whereafter it shall be permanently withdrawn from cultivation.
(j) A suitable soil conservation work shall be constructed and thereafter be maintained in order to restrict the surface movement of soil particles through the action of wind.


(2) If the executive officer is satisfied that the measures applied by a land user in a particular case in terms of subregulation (1) are not sufficient to protect cultivated land effectively against excessive soil loss as a result of erosion through the action of wind, he may direct such land user in writing to apply such additional measures as the executive officer may determine.