Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996)


Constitutional Court Rules, 2003

Part V : Amici Curiae

10. Amici Curiae

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(1)Subject to these rules, any person interested in any matter before the Court may, with the written consent of all the parties in the matter before the Court, given not later than the time specified in subrule (5), be admitted therein as an amicus curiae upon such terms and conditions and with such rights and privileges as may be agreed upon in writing with all the parties before the Court or as may be directed by the Chief Justice in term of subrule (3).


(2)The written consent referred to in subrule (1) shall, within five days of it having been obtained, be lodged with the Registrar and the amicus curiae shall, in addition to any other provision, comply with the times agreed upon for the lodging of written argument.


(3)The Chief Justice may amend the terms, conditions, rights and privileges agreed upon as referred to in subrule (1).


(4)If the written consent referred to in subrule (1) has not been secured, any person who has an interest in any matter before the Court may apply to the Chief Justice to be admitted therein as an amicus curiae, and the Chief Justice may grant such application upon such terms and conditions and with such rights and privileges as he or she may determine.


(5)If time limits are not otherwise prescribed in the directions given in that matter an application pursuant to the provisions of subrule (4) shall be made not later than five days after the lodging of the respondent's written submissions or after the time for lodging such submissions has expired.


(6)An application to be admitted as an amicus curiae shall-
(a)briefly describe the interest of the amicus curiae in the proceedings;
(b)briefly identify the position to be adopted by the amicus curiae in the proceedings; and
(c)set out the submissions to be advanced by the amicus curiae, their relevance to the proceedings and his or her reasons for believing that the submissions will be useful to the Court and different from those of the other parties.


(7)An amicus curiae shall have the right to lodge written argument, provided that such written argument does not repeat any matter set forth in the argument of the other parties and raises new contentions which may be useful to the Court.


(8)Subject to the provisions of rule 31, an amicus curiae shall be limited to the record on appeal or referral and the facts found proved in other proceedings and shall not add thereto and shall not present oral argument.


(9)An order granting leave to be admitted as an amicus curiae shall specify the date of lodging the written argument of the amicus curiae or any other relevant matter.


(10)An order of Court dealing with costs may make provision for the payment of costs incurred by or as a result of the intervention of an amicus curiae.


(11)The provisions of rule 1(3) shall be applicable, with such modifications as may be necessary, to an amicus curiae.