Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 (Act No. 38 of 2000)

Board Notices

Construction Procurement Best Practice

Board Notice 63 of 2004

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Board Notice 63 of 2004

9 June 2004

GG 26427


Construction Industry Development Board


The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) is a Schedule 3A public entity established in terms of the Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 to provide leadership to stakeholders to stimulate sustainable growth, reform and improvement of the construction sector for effective delivery and the industry’s enhanced role in the country’s economy.


The Act Tasks the Board to:


(c)determine and establish best practice that promotes—
(i)improved industry stability;
(ii)improved industry performance, efficiency and effectiveness;
(iii)procurement and delivery management reform;
(iv)improved public sector delivery management;
(v)national social and economic objectives, including—
(aa)growth of the emerging sector;
(bb)labour absorption in the construction industry;
(cc)improved Iabour relations; and
(dd)positive safety, health and environmental outcomes;
(vi)human resource development in the construction industry;
(d)promote best practice through the development and implementation of appropriate programmes and measures aimed at best practice and improved performance of public and private sector clients, contractors and other participants in the construction delivery process;
(e)promote uniform application of policy with regard to the construction industry throughout all spheres of Government;


After publishing Draft Construction Procurement Best Practice in Board Notice 126 of 2003 in Government Gazette No 25656 of 31 October 2003, for comment and evaluating comments received, the CIDB has in terms of section 4(c) of the Act, published Construction Procurement Best Practices contained in the schedule hereto.


These Best Practices may be used to implement construction procurement in accordance with the requirements of the CIDB Standard for Uniformity in Construction Procurement published in terms of Regulation 24(b) of the Construction Industry Development Regulations, issued in terms of section 33 of the Construction Industry Development Board Act.




Brian Cameron Bruce

Chairperson: Construction Industry Development Board


1. Preamble

2. Uniformity, Ethics and Efficacy in Procurement Methods, Procedures and Processes

3. Uniformity and Efficacy of Procurement Documentation

4. Contracting Strategies

5. Dispute Resolution

6. Subcontracting Arrangements

7. Joint Venture Arrangements


Construction Procurement Best Practice Library