Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 111 of 1998)

Regulations for the Administration of the Department of Correctional Services of the Republic of South Africa

Chapter II : Custody of all Inmate under Conditions of Human Dignity

13. Reading material

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1)A properly organised library containing literature of constructive and educational value, as prescribed by the Order, must as far as reasonably practicable, be established and maintained at every correctional centre.


2)An inmate may receive reading material from outside the correctional centre in the manner as prescribed by the Order.


3)A correctional official may inspect an envelope or package sent or received by an inmate  to the extent necessary to determine whether the envelope or package contains any article that may pose a danger to the security of the correctional centre or the safety of any person, but the correctional official may not read the contents of the envelope or package, except in the circumstances contemplated in Regulation 8(4).


4)The Head of the Correctional Centre or a correctional official designated by him or her may prohibit:
a)The entry into the correctional centre or the circulation within the correctional centre of any publication, video or audio material, film or computer program that he or she believes on reasonable grounds would jeopardise the security of the correctional centre or the safety of any person; and
b)the use by an inmate, including the display of, any publication video or audio material, film or computer program that he or she believes on reasonable grounds -
i)would likely be viewed by other persons; and
ii)would undermine a person’s sense of personal dignity by demeaning the person or causing personal humiliation or embarrassment to a person, on the basis of race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language or birth.


a)Documents and correspondence between inmate and their legal practitioners may not be censored if they relate to legal matters.
b)Documents and correspondence between inmate and their legal practitioners that purport to relate to legal matters may be examined only to determine whether in fact they do relate to such matters.