A credit rating agency must annually disclose to the registrar the following information—
(a) | For credit ratings during the reporting period— |
(i) | total number of credit ratings; |
(ii) | total number of new credit ratings; |
(iii) | total number of credit ratings withdrawn; |
(v) | name of the rated entity; |
(vi) | category of credit rating; |
(vii) | current credit rating; |
(viii) | in the case of a new credit rating, information on whether a previous credit rating was assigned; |
(ix) | if a credit rating has changed during the reporting period, the reason for the change in the credit rating; and |
(x) | if a credit rating has been withdrawn, the reason for withdrawal of the credit rating. |
(b) | Any material modification of its systems, resources or procedures. |
(c) | A list of the ancillary services it has provided to a rated entity or any related third party. |