Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No. 32 of 2007)


Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Regulations


Annexure A : Forms: Services for victims of sexual offences and compulsory HIV testing of alleged sex offenders

Part I of Regulations: Services for Victims of Sexual Offences and Compulsory HIV Testing of Alleged Offenders

Form 10 : Warrant of arrest

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[Regulation 10(4)]




Section 33(3) of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No. 32 of 2007) (the Act)



IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT ............................................................................ FOR THE DISTRICT


OF ............................................................................HELD AT .......................................................


CASE NO. .......................................


To the investigating officer, ..........................................................................................................


You are hereby commanded to arrest ..............................................................................(the alleged offender) who—

*(a)it is believed may avoid compliance with an order that he or she be tested for HIV in terms of section 31 or section 32 of the Act; or
*(b)has avoided compliance with an order that he or she be tested for HIV in terms of section 31 or section 32 of the Act,

and to take him or her without any delay after arrest to any medical practitioner or nurse to take the prescribed blood specimens for HIV testing as ordered by this Court on ...............................................


* Delete whichever is not applicable



Dated at ............................... on this ........................................ day of ...............................20 ..........



..................................................        ............................................................









Magistrate's Court .......................................................................