Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977)

Chapter 6 :Summons

55. Failure of accused to appear on summons

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(1)Subject to section 4(2) of the Child Justice Act, 2008, an accused who is eighteen years or older and who is summoned under section 54 to appear at criminal proceedings and who fails to appear at the place and on the date and at the time specified in the summons or who fails to remain in attendance at such proceedings, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to the punishment prescribed under subsection (2).

[Section 55(1) substituted by section  99(1) of Act No. 75 of 2008]


(1A)The provisions of section 46 of the Child Justice Act, 2008, apply to an accused who is under the age of eighteen years and who fails to appear at a preliminary inquiry in terms of a summons issued under that Act.

[Section 55(1A) inserted by section 99(1) of Act No. 75 of 2008]


(2)The court may, if satisfied from the return of service referred to in paragraph (b) of section 54(2) that the summons was served on the accused in terms of paragraph (a) of that section and that the accused has failed to appear at the place and on the date and at the time specified in the summons, or if satisfied that the accused has failed to remain in attendance at the proceedings in question, issue a warrant for his arrest and, when he is brought before the court, in a summary manner enquire into his failure so to appear or so to remain in attendance and unless the accused satisfies the court that his failure was not due to any fault on his part, convict him of the offence referred to in subsection (1) and sentence him to a fine not exceeding R300 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months: Provided that where a warrant is issued for the arrest of an accused who has failed to appear in answer to the summons, the person executing the warrant—
(a)may, where it appears to him that the accused received the summons in question and that the accused will appear in court in accordance with a warning under section 72; or
(b)shall, where it appears to him that the accused did not receive the summons in question or that the accused has paid an admission of guilt fine in terms of section 57 or that there are other grounds on which it appears that the failure of the accused to appear on the summons was not due to any fault on the part of the accused, for which purpose he may require the accused to furnish an affidavit or affirmation,

release the accused on warning under section 72 in respect of the offence of failing to appear in answer to the summons, whereupon the provisions of that section shall mutatis mutandis apply with reference to the said offence.

[Section 55(2) substituted by section 5(a) of Act No. 33 of 1986]



(a)If the court issues a warrant of arrest in terms of subsection (2) in respect of a summons which is endorsed in accordance with section 57(1)(a)—
(i)an endorsement to the same effect shall be made on the warrant in question;
(ii)the court may make a further endorsement on the warrant to the effect that the accused may admit his guilt in respect of the failure to appear in answer to the summons or to remain in attendance at the criminal proceedings, and that he may upon arrest pay to a clerk of the court or at a police station a fine stipulated on the warrant in respect of such failure, which fine shall not exceed the amount to be imposed in terms of subsection (2), without appearing in court.
(b)The fine paid in terms of paragraph (a) at a police station or to a clerk of a magistrate's court other than the magistrate’s court which issued the warrant of arrest, shall, as soon as is expedient, together with the warrant of arrest in question, be forwarded to the clerk of the court which issued that warrant, and such clerk of the court shall thereafter, as soon as is expedient, enter the essential particulars of such admission of guilt in the criminal record book for admission of guilt, whereupon the accused concerned shall be deemed to have been convicted by the court in respect of the offence in question.

[Section 55(2A) substituted by section 3 of Act No. 4 of 1992]



(a)If, in any case in which a warrant of arrest is issued, it was permissible for the accused in terms of section 57 to admit his guilt in respect of the summons on which he failed to appear and to pay a fine in respect thereof without appearing in court, and the accused is arrested under such warrant in the area of jurisdiction of a magistrate’s court other than the magistrate’s court which issued the warrant of arrest, such other magistrate’s court may, notwithstanding any provision of this Act or any other law to the contrary, and if satisfied that the accused has, since the date on which he failed to appear on the summons in question, admitted his guilt in respect of that summons and has paid a fine in respect thereof without appearing in court, in a summary manner enquire into his failure to appear on such summons and, unless the accused satisfies the court that his failure was not due to any fault on his part, convict him of the offence referred to in subsection (1) and sentence him to a fine not exceeding R300 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months.

[Section 55(3)(a) substituted by section 5(c) of Act No. 33 of 1986]

(b)In proceedings under paragraph (a) before such other magistrate’s court, it shall be presumed, upon production in such court of the relevant warrant of arrest, that the accused failed to appear on the summons in question, unless the contrary is proved.