African Growth and Opportunity Act
Application for a Visa
1. | Exporter Name & Address |
2. | Producer Name & Address |
3. | Importer Name & Address |
6. | US/African Fabric Producer Name & Address |
7. | US/African yarn Producer Name & Address |
8. | US Thread Producer Name & Address |
9. | Name of Handloomed, Handmade or Folklore Article |
10. | Name of Preference Group H Fabric or Yarn: |
Preference Groups:
For Visa – For Certificate of Origin:
1. A: | Apparel assembled from US-formed and cut fabric from US yarn [19 CFR 10.213 (a)(1)]. |
2. B: | Apparel assembled and further processed from US-formed and cut fabric from US yarn [19 CFR 10.213 (a)(2)]. |
3. C: | Apparel cut and assembled from US-fabric from US yarn and thread [19 CFR 10.213 (a)(3)]. |
4. D: | Apparel assembled from regional fabric from yarn originating in the US or one or more beneficiary countries [19 CFR 10.213 (a)(4)]. |
5. E: | Apparel assembled in one or lesser developed beneficiary countries [19 CFR 10.213 (a) (5)]. |
6. F: | Sweaters knit to shape in chief weight or cashmere [19 CFR 10.213 (a)(6).] |
7. G: | Sweaters knit to shape with 50 per cent or more by weight or fine [19 CFR 10.213 (a)(7)]. |
8. H: | Apparel cut and assembled in one or more beneficiary countries from fabrics or yarn not formed in the United States or a beneficiary country (as identified in NAFTA) or designated as not available in commercial quantities in the Unite States [19 CFR 10.213 (a)(8) or (a)(9)]. |
9. I: | Handloomed, handmade or folklore articles [19 CFR 10.213 (a)(10)]. |
(a) | I certify that the information on this document */ and the attached continuation sheet(s) number(s)…………………is complete and accurate and I assume the responsibility for proving such representations. I understand that I am liable for any false statements or material omissions made on or in connection with this document. |
(b) | I agree to maintain, and present upon request, documentation necessary to support this certificate. |
(c) | I apply for the issue of a visa in respect of the articles described above. |
* Delete and sign in full if not applicable.
16(b) | Blanket Period of Certificate of Origin |
Facsimile Number
DA 46A1.01(a)
For Official Use of the South African Revenue Service:
Certificate of Origin (DA 46A1.01) No. …………………/………………….and Date………………………
Exporter Registration No: ………………………………………………….
Producer (Manufacturer) Registration No:…………………….….
(Customs Code Number) (Customs Code Number)
(Continued overleaf)