Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937)RegulationsDeeds Registries RegulationsPreparation of Deeds and Documents and Qualification of Persons (Regs 20 to 44A) |
(1) | Deeds and other documents lodged for execution, registration or record shall be on paper approved by the Registrar and shall be in clear writing, print or type, of good quality: Provided that, in the discretion of the Registrar, a reproduction of a printed or typed folio, reproduced by a method of reproducing print or type, may be used for such document. |
(2) | The upper half of the first page of a deed shall not be used for writing, typing, printing or any other purpose, but shall be reserved for the purpose of Deeds Registry endorsements and a margin of at least four centimetres shall be allowed on all pages of a deed for binding purposes. |
(3) | [Regulation 20(3) deleted by regulation 2 of Notice No. R. 1096 of 2004] |
(4) | Ink of a durable quality and of a colour density approved by the Registrar shall be used for the purpose of a signature or an initial on a document, and material alterations to or interlineations in a document shall be authenticated by the initials of the person signing the document and by the person attesting his signature. If, however, an alteration or interlineation is attested by a person other than the original attestor, such person shall attach his signature. |
(5) | If any signature to a document is written across a stamp, or with other than ink of durable quality and of the approved colour density, or encroaches on the margin, the Registrar may decline to allow it to be used for the purpose intended. |
(6) | All alterations and interlineations shall, in the case of a deed attested by a notary, be initialled, also by such notary. |
(7) | Notwithstanding anything in this regulation contained, the Registrar may in his discretion accept for record any copy of a document which is filed of record in any Government office: Provided that such copy has been certified to be a true copy by or on behalf of the head of such office or by a conveyancer or by a notary public: Provided further that in the case of a diagram it has been certified by the Surveyor-General, and in the case of a will, codicil or other testamentary document it has been certified a true copy by the Master. |
[Regulation 20(7) substituted by regulation 5 of Notice No. R. 184 of 1995]
(8) | Any of the provisions of this regulation may be relaxed by the Registrar at his discretion. |
[Regulation 20 substituted by regulation 4 of Notice No. R. 359 of 1982]
(9) | The provisions of subregulations (1) to (8) apply with the necessary changes to deeds and documents submitted electronically in terms of the provisions of the Electronic Deeds Registration Systems Act. |
[Regulation 20(9) inserted by regulation 6 of the Deeds Registries Amendment Regulations, 2025, Notice No. 5948, GG52219, dated 5 March 2025]
21. | [Regulation 21 repealed by regulation 5 of Notice No. R. 359 of 1982] |
22. | Any spaces in a deed which have not been used shall be ruled through and where a deed comprises more than one page each page shall be numbered consecutively. |
[Regulation 22 substituted by regulation 4 of Notice No. R. 1195 of 1985]
23. | If, in the opinion of the Registrar, the writing, typing, or printing in any deed, power, or other document lodged for attestation, execution or registration or for any other purpose, is, owing to the faintness thereof, not calculated to secure durability, he may decline to attest, execute, register, or accept it, as the case may be. |
(1) Deeds, powers, and other documents shall—
(a) | in the case of a natural person, excepting any such natural person who is acting in, or is appointed to act in a representative capacity, contain the full names, and either the official identity number and or date of birth of the natural person named therein; and |
[Regulation 24(1)(a) substituted by regulation 6 of Notice No. R. 184 of 1995]
(b) | in the case of any other person, contain the full name and registered number, if any, of such person: |
Provided that any provisions of this subregulation may be relaxed by the Registrar in special circumstances at his discretion.
[Regulation 24(1) substituted by regulation 6 of Notice No. R. 359 of 1982]
(2) | An addition of an "alias" to the description of any person by or to whom a deed lodged for execution or attestation in a Deeds Registry is to be passed shall not be permitted, and, if any such addition has been made in: any other deed or power, or other document lodged for registration, the correct name only shall be recognized for the purpose of such registration. |
(3) | Deeds, powers, and other documents if executed outside the Republic and expressed in a foreign language may, at the discretion of the Registrar, be accepted for registration or record if a translation duly certified by a person admitted to practise as a sworn translator in any province of the Republic is lodged therewith: Provided that if there be no sworn translator of any foreign language readily available the Registrar may in his discretion accept a translation made under oath by such other person as he may approve. |
25. | Every deed and document executed in or lodged for registration or record in a Deeds Registry shall disclose the place and date of execution thereof. |
26. | Every deed of title to land for which no form is prescribed and every such deed for which a form is prescribed wherein provision is made for the inclusion of an extending clause in conformity with these regulations, shall immediately after the description of the property contain an extending clause substantially in the form of the applicable prescribed Form TT or UU. |
[Regulation 26 substituted by regulation 7 of Notice No. R. 359 of 1982 with effect from 1 July 1982]
(1) | Where a deed conferring title to land includes more than one property, each piece of land shall be described in a separate paragraph, which shall be numbered, and each paragraph shall conform to the provisions of the preceding regulation. A separate registration subregulation must, if required by the Registrar, be inserted at the end of the deed in respect of each piece of land, which subregulation shall bear a number corresponding to the number of the paragraph in which the described. |
(2) | When two or more pieces of land are shown as separate figures on a single diagram each piece shall be described in the relevant deed in a separate paragraph, and may thereafter be transferred independently only upon the production of a further diagram thereof. |
(3) | Notwithstanding any practice to the contrary in any Deeds Registry, it shall not be necessary, where separate diagrams of two or more pieces of land are annexed to one and the same deed of transfer and transfer is sought of any of such pieces, to procure from the Surveyor-General a copy of the diagram thereof for the purpose of annexure to the new transfer. |
(1) | In any deed wherein land is described, the following particulars shall be quoted: |
(a) | The name of the registration division or administrative district and province in which such land is situated, or, in the case of land situated in a township, the registration division concerned or the administrative district (as the case may be), the name of such township and the province; and |
[Regulation 28(1)(a) substituted by regulation 2 of Notice No. R. 547 of 2015]
(b) | the registered number (if any) of such land. |
[Regulation 28(1) substituted by regulation 8 of Notice No. R. 359 of 1982]
(2) | In describing land no reference shall be made in a deed conferring title to land or any interest therein, or in a mortgage bond, to any building or other property, movable or immovable, which may be on or attached to the land. |
[Regulation 28(2) substituted by regulation 6 of Notice No. R. 493 of 1965]
(3) | When the description of the situation of land in an existing deed is defective or insufficient, and it is desired in connection with a further transfer of such land to amend the same, the Registrar may, subject, if he thinks necessary, to the production of a certificate from the Surveyor-General, permit such amendment to be made. |
(4) | It shall not be necessary to repeat the description (if any) of the boundaries mentioned in a diagram, provided that a suitable reference to such diagram is made in the relevant deed. |
29. | In the description of immovable property in a deed or bond the extent thereof shall be expressed in words and figures. |
[Regulation 29 substituted by regulation 2 of Notice No. R. 195 of 2013]
30. | In the description of immovable property the term "share" shall be employed when an undivided share in a piece of immovable property is being dealt with, and such share shall be expressed in a percentage in its lowest term, the method of arriving at the result being also given in complicated cases. |
[Regulation 30 substituted by regulation 7 of the Deeds Registries Amendment Regulations, 2025, Notice No. 5948, GG52219, dated 5 March 2025]
(1) | If land to be transferred or hypothecated is held by several deeds the Registrar may require the conveyancer to furnish a statement containing particulars regarding the different fractional shares and describing in complicated cases the method by which the result was arrived at, and also, where there are two or more owners, to indicate in such statement the shares held by each. If the land is one of several pieces described in a transfer deed or mortgage bond the conveyancer shall furnish a reference to the paragraph therein which relates to such land. |
(2) | Where possible, in transferring a share in land from two or more titles under which shares are held one or more titles shall be exhausted. |
32. | No portion of any piece of land shall, save as by the Act provided, be transferred except upon a diagram thereof. |
32bis. | When a piece of land has been separated into two or more parts by the deduction of one or more intervening portion or portions thereof, such parts forming the remaining extent shall not be regarded as being separate pieces of land for the purpose of sections forty and forty-two of the Act. |
[Regulation 32bis substituted by regulation 8 of Notice No. R. 184 of 1995]
32ter. | Simultaneously with the opening of a register pertaining to land represented on a general plan, the Registrar of Deeds shall register the plan by endorsing the relevant particulars thereof on the title deed. |
[Regulation 32ter inserted by regulation 4 of Notice No. R. 762 of 1998]
33. | Where it is sought to transfer or cede immovable property to, or register mortgage bonds or notarial bonds in favour of persons who have not attained majority, such transfers, cessions or bonds shall, subject to the provisions of section twenty-five of the Act, be made in the name of the minors and not in the name of their guardians, tutors or curators as the case may be. |
(1) | All deeds or documents executed by or on behalf or in favour of persons carrying on business as a firm or a partnership, or to which a firm may be a party, as also any power lodged or required in connection with such deeds or documents, must contain the full names of the partners constituting the firm. |
(2) | When property is registered in the name of persons carrying on business as a firm or a partnership it may, so long as the firm consists· of the same partners, be transferred, hypothecated, or otherwise dealt with, as the case may be, on a power bearing the signature of the firm and of the partner who affixed the firm's signature. |
(a) | If any partner in a firm wishes to transfer his share in any property of the firm to the remaining partners or to the remaining partners and some other person or persons, or to some other person or persons alone, to the end that such remaining partners either alone or together with such other person or persons, as the case may be, shall form a new partnership to hold such property, such transfer shall not be passed unless the whole of the property, and not merely the share of the disposing partner, be transferred or ceded to the new partnership, and the deed, power, or other document necessary for the purpose shall be signed by each of the partners of the original firm or by his duly authorized agent. In like manner if a new partner be admitted into a firm and if such new firm wishes to transfer or cede property taken over from the old firm such transfer or cession shall not be passed unless the said new firm has itself received transfer or cession of that property from the old firm. |
(b) | In the event of any property of a firm not being dealt with on dissolution in the manner described in paragraph (a), the deed, power or other document necessary for the transfer or cession to the partners thereof or such other persons to whom the same may have been disposed of, shall be signed by each of the individual partners or by his duly authorized agent. |
(c) | If, during the continuance of a partnership any member thereof desires to register any transaction other than an endorsement pursuant to section forty-five of the Act, affecting his share in any property registered in the name of the partnership, he shall not be permitted to do so until transfer has been passed to such member of the share to which he is entitled. |
(d) | Where a partner is deceased and the deed of partnership provides that the partnership shall not be terminated by reason of his or her death but that his or her share in such partnership shall be administered by a trustee, it shall be competent for a Registrar to endorse the title deed of any immovable property held by such partnership to the effect that the share of such deceased partner in such partnership shall be administered in terms of section 40 of Act 66 of 1965. |
[Regulation 34(3)(d) substituted by regulation 5 of Notice No. R. 292 of 2010]
(4) | When land has been sold by or to a firm or partnership the transfer duty receipt issued in respect of the sale shall disclose the names of the members thereof. |
(1) | The following procedure shall be observed in the preparation of deeds conferring title to land in regard to the conditions to which such land is or may be subject: |
(a) | Where it appears from the deed produced to the Registrar that the land is subject to special conditions limiting the rights of the owner such conditions shall be repeated in every subsequent deed conferring title to such land, and where necessary be referred to as mentioned in the deed whereby they were created. |
(b) | Where it appears from the deed produced to the Registrar that the land is subject to conditions other than those specified in paragraph (a) they shall, if the Registrar so requires, be repeated, otherwise they shall be specially referred to as mentioned in such deed, and their character be described in general terms. |
(c) | Where the deed produced to the Registrar is not a grant from the State and contains a general reference to conditions in a prior title deed by which the land was held, every subsequent deed conferring title to such land shall be made subject also to such conditions as are referred to in the deed produced. |
(d) | Where the deed produced to the Registrar is a grant or transfer from the State comprising land acquired by purchase or otherwise, and such grant contains a general or specific reference to the conditions contained in the deed by which the land was conveyed to the State, the provisions of paragraphs (a) (b) and (c) shall apply. |
(e) | In any subsequent deed relating to land in connection with which the provisions of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), or any of them, have been applied, such deed shall follow, substantially the preceding deed in its reference to the conditions and omit in this connection any mention of the preceding deed until such time as the land is made subject to further conditions, in which case such further conditions shall also be mentioned or specially referred to in the manner prescribed in such paragraphs. |
(f) | In every deed conferring title to land the rights of the State shall be expressly reserved. |
(g) | The serial number and year (if any) of every deed to which reference is made in connection with conditions shall be quoted. Provided that the provisions of this subregulation may be relaxed by the Registrar in special circumstances in his discretion. |
[Regulation 35(1)(g) substituted by regulation 3 of Notice No. R. 1892 of 1983]
(h) | Should the provisions of this regulation not be applicable, the decision of the Registrar in regard to the procedure to be followed shall be observed. |
(2) | Conditions should be inserted in deeds in the official language in which they were constituted, provided that where any conditions are embodied in a registered deed in another official language, such language may be perpetuated in subsequent deeds. |
[Regulation 35(2) substituted by regulation 6 of Notice No. R. 292 of 2010]
(3) | Where it appears from a deed that an owner of land has acquired any right of servitude over other land, such right should also be specially referred to or mentioned and described in every deed conferring title to the first-mentioned land. |
(4) | If a deed lodged for execution or registration reserves or grants an interest described as a life interest, except when such interest is created by will, the nature thereof shall be disclosed in such deed and in the relative power, if any. |
(5) | Conditions must, as far as practicable, be embodied in the title deed and appear immediately after the extending subregulation, and only in exceptional circumstances may they be contained in an annexure. |
(6) | No condition shall be included in any deed or bond which purports to impose upon a Registrar any duty or obligation not sanctioned by law. |
(7) | If a deed conferring title to land contains conditions which operate pending the establishment of a local authority and a local authority has been established, all such conditions shall be omitted from any subsequent deed conferring title to such land: Provided that no such conditions shall be omitted unless it is clear from the wording thereof that such conditions lapse on the establishment of a local authority. |
[Regulation 35(7) inserted by regulation 8 of Notice No. R. 493 of 1965]
36. | [Regulation 36 repealed by regulation 9 of Notice No. R. 184 of 1995] |
37. | Where in the circumstances contained in the proviso to subsection (4) of section fifty-eight of the Act, it is necessary to pass transfer to the rehabilitated insolvent such transfer may be passed upon a power of attorney signed by the Master. |
38. | [Regulation 38 deleted by regulation 7 of Notice No. R. 292 of 2010] |
(1) | The authority for the performance of the following acts of registration in relation to a mortgage or notarial bond: |
(a) | The cancellation thereof; |
(b) | the release therefrom of property or the property and person of a joint debtor or a surety; |
(c) | the noting of a part-payment in respect of the capital due thereunder; |
(d) | the noting of a reduction of the cover afforded thereby; |
(e) | the waiver of preference of the security hypothecated in favour of another bond; |
(f) | the cession thereof; |
(g) | the cancellation of a cession thereof made as security; |
(h) | the substitution of another person as debtor thereunder; |
(i) | the noting of an agreement varying the terms thereof; |
(j) | the substitution of other land for the land hypothecated pursuant to section 40(5)(a) of the Act; |
(k) | consent to any other act of registration in relation to the security hypothecated thereunder, |
[Regulation 39(k) inserted by regulation 8 of the Deeds Registries Amendment Regulations, 2025, Notice No. 5948, GG52219, dated 5 March 2025]
shall be given in the prescribed form each upon a separate sheet or sheets of paper by the holder of the bond, or, where applicable, by the holder and the mortgagor or the person about to be substituted as mortgagor or by his or their duly authorised agent, and shall be signed and duly witnessed: Provided that where the consent of a co-mortgagor is also required for the registration, such consent may be appended to the consent of the holder of the bond or given separately. Every such authority shall identify the bond, the legal holder of the bond, and any other consenting party.
[Regulation 39(1) substituted by regulation 3(a) of Notice No. R. 547 of 2015]
(2) | [Regulation 39(2) deleted by regulation 3(b) of Notice No. R. 547 of 2015] |
(3) | Not more than one bond may be any authority for the acts of registration referred to in subregulation (1). |
(4) | [Regulation 39(4) deleted by regulation 8 of Notice No. R. 292 of 2010] |
40. | [Regulation 40 repealed by regulation 10 of Notice No. R. 359 of 1982] |
(1) | Where it is sought to mortgage land held under special conditions limiting the rights of the owner the Registrar may require those conditions to be set out in the bond or a suitable reference made thereto. |
(2) | Every mortgage bond shall contain a full and clear description of the property to be hypothecated, including the extent thereof, and when two or more properties are to be hypothecated each property shall be described in a separate paragraph. The number (comprising the serial and year number), if any, of the deed by which the property is held shall also be quoted in each paragraph: Provided that where more than one property is held by one and the same deed, such number of the deed may be quoted after the description of the last of such properties. |
[Regulation 41(2) substituted by regulation 11(a) of Notice No. R. 359 of 1982]
(3) | When bonds are lodged for the purpose of noting any part payment or reduction of cover thereon such part payment or reduction of cover need not be noted on the title deed of the property affected. |
(4) | The deed of cession of a bond shall set forth the causa of such cession. |
(5) | [Regulation 41(5) deleted by regulation 11(b) of Notice No. R. 359 of 1982] |
(6) | Where the cession of a bond has, prior to the coming into force of these regulations, been endorsed upon such bond a Registrar may accept for filing a duplicate original of the cession or an acknowledgement of such cession, in terms approved by him, signed by the cedent and duly witnessed, or a notarially certified copy of such cession. |
(7) | Any waiver of preference in respect of a registered real right in land (including rights mentioned in section sixty-six of the Act which may be contingent) to or in favour of a registered or registrable mortgage bond shall, if such bond has been registered, be contained in a notarial deed, and if such bond has not been registered be contained in a notarial deed or in such bond as the owner of such right may elect. Every waiver registered in terms hereof shall be duly noted on the owner's title to such right, and in the case of a registered bond on such bond. |
[Regulation 41(7) substituted by regulation 5 of Notice No. 762 of 1998]
(8) | When a notarial bond, which has been registered in more than one Deeds Registry, has been cancelled in any such Registry, a copy of the consent lodged for the purposes of such cancellation certified by the Registrar thereof may be accepted in any other Registry in lieu of an original consent. |
42. | [Regulation 42 repealed by section 3 of Notice No. R.498, GG44700, dated 11 June 2021 - effective 11 July 2021] |
(1) | Every deed of transfer, certificate conferring title to immovable property, deed of cession referred to in section 32 of the Act or mortgage bond shall be prepared by a conveyancer, who shall make and sign a certificate in the undermentioned form in the upper right hand corner on the first page of the document concerned: |
Prepared by me
(State full name and surname in block letters)
(Disclose Legal Practice Council Membership Number)
[Regulation 43(1) substituted by section 2 of Notice No. R.884, GG43614, dated 14 August 2020]
(2) | A conveyancer who prepares a deed of transfer, certificate, deed of cession or mortgage bond referred to in subregulation (1) shall initial personally all alterations or interlineations in such deed of transfer, certificate, deed of cession or mortgage bond and also every page thereof not requiring his signature if such deed of transfer, certificate, deed of cession or mortgage bond is written on separate sheets, and no such deed of transfer, certificate, deed of cession or mortgage bond shall be accepted for execution or registration if it does not bear such certificate and is not so initialled: Provided, however, that in the case of a deed of transfer or mortgage bond where an alteration or interlineation does not, in the opinion of the Registrar, require initialling by the conveyancer who prepared such deed of transfer or mortgage bond, such alteration or interlineation shall be initialled by the conveyancer executing such deed of transfer or mortgage bond. |
(3) | The provisions of subregulations (1) and (2), and regulation 44 shall not apply in respect of the first issue of a certificate of title of a lot in terms of the Black Communities Development Act, 1984 (Act No. 4 of 1984). |
[Regulation 43(3) inserted by regulation 5 of Notice No. R. 1195 of 1985]
(1) | Subject to the provisions of subregulation (3), any power of attorney, application or consent required for the performance of an act of registration in a Deeds Registry and any agreement of partition referred to in section 26 of the Act executed after the coming into operation of this regulation and tendered for registration or filing of record in a Deeds Registry, shall be prepared by a practicing attorney (not necessarily practicing in the province in which such Deeds Registry is situate), notary or conveyancer, who shall make and sign a certificate in the undermentioned form in the upper right hand corner on the first page of the document concerned: |
Prepared by me
(Use whichever is applicable)
(State full name and surname in block letters)
(Disclose Legal Practice Council Membership Number
[Regulation 44(1) substituted by section 3(a) of Notice No. R.884, GG43614, dated 14 August 2020]
(2) | Subject to the provisions or subregulation (3), any material alteration or interlineation in any power of attorney, application, consent or agreement of partition referred to in subregulation (1) shall be initialled by the attorney, notary or conveyancer who prepared such document. |
(3) | Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulations (1) and (2), a Registrar may in his discretion waive compliance with this regulation in respect of a power of attorney, application, consent or agreement of partition executed outside the Republic or in respect of a power of attorney, application, consent or agreement of partition not provided for by the Act or the Regulations. |
(4) | The provisions of subregulations (1) and (2) shall not prevent any attorney, notary or conveyancer in the employ of the State from preparing, in the course of his employment, any document therein mentioned which is required for the performance of any function to be performed in the department in which he is employed. |
(5) | When a certificate referred to in subregulation (1) is signed by an attorney or notary, the fact that the signatory is a practicing attorney or notary shall be confirmed by a practicing conveyancer, who shall countersign the certificate by making and signing the following certificate thereon: |
Countersigned by me
(State full name and surname in block letters)
(Disclose Legal Practice Council Membership Number
[Regulation 44(5) substituted by section 3(b) of Notice No. R.884, GG43614, dated 14 August 2020]
44A. | The person signing the preparation certificates prescribed by regulations 43 and 44(1) of the Regulations accepts, in terms of section 15A(1) and (2) of the Act, to the extent provided for in this regulation, responsibility for the correctness of the undermentioned facts stated in the deeds or documents concerned or which are relevant in connection with the registration or filing thereof, namely: |
(a) | That all copies of the deeds or documents intended for execution and/or registration are identical at the date of lodgement; |
(b) | that, in the case of a deed of transfer or certificate of title to land, all the applicable conditions of title contained in or endorsed upon the owner's copy of the title deed, together with any applicable proclaimed township conditions have been correctly brought forward in that deed of transfer or certificate of title to land; |
[Regulation 44A(b) substituted by regulation 6(a) of Notice No. R. 1195 of 1985, as corrected by Notice No. R. 1374 of 1985]
(c) | that, in the case of a document referred to in regulation 44(1) being signed by any person in his capacity as a principal or representative appointed or recognised as such under or in terms of any act or court order including but not limited to an executor, trustee, tutor, curator, liquidator or judicial manager from perusal of the documents evidencing such appointment exhibited to him, such person has in fact been appointed in that capacity and is acting therein in accordance with the powers granted to him and that any security required has been furnished to the Master. |
[Regulation 44A(c) substituted by regulation 6(a) of Notice No. R. 762 of 1998]
(d) | that, to the best of his knowledge and belief and after due enquiry has been made— |
(aa) | the names, identity number or date of birth and marital status of any natural person being a party to a deed or document and in the case of any other person or a trust, its name and registered number, if any, are correctly reflected in that deed or document; |
(bb) | [Regulation 44A(d)(i)(bb) deleted by regulation 10(b) of Notice No. R. 184 of 1995] |
[Regulation 44A(d)(i) substituted by regulation 2 of Notice No. R. 2191 of 1986]
(ii) | in the case of a document referred to in regulation 44(1)— |
(aa) the necessary authority has been obtained for the signing of such document in a representative capacity on behalf of a natural person, company, close corporation, church, association, society, trust or other body of persons or an institution whether created by statute or otherwise;
[Regulation 44A(d)(ii)(aa) substituted by regulation 4(a) of Notice No. R. 547 of 2015]
(bb) | the transaction as disclosed therein is authorized by and in accordance with the constitution, regulations, or founding statement or trust instrument of a trust, as the case may be, of any church, association, company, close corporation, society, trust, or other body of persons, or any institution (whether created by statute, including a foreign statute or otherwise) being a party to such document. |
[Regulation 44A(d)(ii)(bb) substituted by regulation 5(b) of Notice No. R. 195 of 2013]
(cc) | [Regulation 44A(d)(ii)(cc) deleted by regulation 10(e) of Notice No. R. 184 of 1995] |
(dd) | the person, entity, body of persons, whether created by statute or otherwise, is contractually capable of concluding the transaction disclosed in the deed or document lodged for registration; and |
[Regulation 44A(d)(ii)(dd) inserted by regulation 4(b) of Notice No. R. 547 of 2015]
(e) | that, in the case where a conveyancer is signing the preparation certificate on a deed of transfer, certificate of title conferring title to immovable property or a mortgage bond, he shall accept responsibility that the particulars in the deed mentioned in paragraph (d)(i), have been brought forward correctly from the special power of attorney or application relating thereto. |
[Regulation 44A inserted by regulation 7 of Notice No. R. 1892 of 1983]