Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937)


Deeds Registries Regulations

Registration Divisions and Numbering of Units (Regs 6 to 10)

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6.The "degree squares" formed by the lines of latitude and longitude crossing the area served by the registry shall constitute registration divisions: Provided that such registration division shall follow the boundaries of the farm units whose greater area lies within the degree square forming such division: Provided further that where a township in respect of which a register in terms of section 46 has not yet been opened, is situated partly in one such registration division and partly in another such registration division, such township is deemed to be situated in that registration division in which the greatest area of the said township is situated: Provided further that when the area of such a township indicated on a general plan, falls within the boundaries of more than one registration division, the boundaries of any such registration division or divisions is determined by the Registrar of Deeds and the Surveyor-General concerned, for the purpose of an administrative district, in such a manner that the whole of the township falls within one registration division.

[Regulation 6 substituted by regulation 3 of Notice No. R. 184 of 1995, as corrected by Notice No. 438 of 1995]


7.The farm units falling within the limits of a registration division shall be numbered in numerical progression throughout the degree square generally from west to east and east to west alternately, in quarter degree squares commencing at the north-west corner of each quarter degree square: Provided that, in the Cape, Natal and Orange Free State Provinces, if deemed advisable by the Registrar of Deeds and the Surveyor-General concerned, the numbering of farm units may be confined within the limits of an administrative district instead of a registration division.


8.For the purpose of identifying erven, settlement holdings or lots (hereinafter called allotment units), it shall be the duty of the Registrar, in consultation with the Surveyor-General, to—
(i)determine, if necessary, the limits of an area (hereinafter referred to as an allotment area) in which the registration of allotment units shall be confined to a single register or set of registers;
(ii)assign, where deemed necessary, a distinctive number to each allotment unit situate within an allotment area:

Provided that the local authority may be consulted before the limits of an allotment area are determined.



(1)The portions into which farms or allotment units may be divided shall be numbered consecutively, whether directly from the patent piece or indirectly through an intermediate portion, provided that—
(i)portions already numbered or lettered, and for which title deeds have been registered, need not be renumbered, but portions hereafter surveyed for the purpose of registration of title, shall follow in numerical progression thereafter, and the diagrams thereof shall disclose the parent portion;
(ii)upon subdivision of any piece of land in an allotment area, it shall be permissible to assign a new unit number to such subdivision.


(2)Where two or more portions of a farm unit or of an allotment unit are consolidated into one the resulting piece of land shall receive the next consecutive number as if it were a new portion.


(3)Where two or more farm units or two or more allotment units are consolidated into one the resulting piece of land shall receive a new number.


(4)Where a portion of a farm unit and a whole such unit or a portion of an allotment unit and a whole such unit are consolidated into one the resulting piece of land shall receive a new number.


(5)Where two or more portions of different allotment units or of different farms are consolidated into one the resulting piece of land shall receive the next suitable available number of the allotment area or registration division and where no such number is available, shall receive a new number in such allotment area or registration division: Provided that, should it be found necessary to depart from the rules prescribed in subregulations (2) to (5) hereof, the Registrar may, after consultation with the Surveyor-General, authorise such departure.


10. After the numbering of allotment units has been completed within an allotment area as prescribed in regulation 8, the Registrar shall take whatever steps may be necessary—
(i) to compile a register or a set of registers for such allotment area;
(ii) to identify the allotment units with land held under any title deeds;
(iii)to endorse such title deeds that the land comprises or corresponds with the respective unit or units and is now registered in the relative register under its registration number.