Defence Act, 1957 (Act No. 44 of 1957)

Chapter VIII : Registration and Selection of Persons for Allotment to Citizen Force, Commandos, South African Police or South African Railways Police Force

63. Registration

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(1)The principal or person in charge of or responsible for any school, college (whether or not it is a correspondence college) or institution attended by male pupils who are citizens who are in their final year for obtaining a senior certificate and who, for the duration of that year, will not be older than 26 years, or any person so acting as principal or person so in charge or responsible for such school, college or institution shall, on or before the last working day of February in each year, supply the registering officer with—
(a)the full names;
(b)the date of birth;
(c)the residential and postal address; and
(d)such other information as the registering officer may require and of which he has given notice in the Gazette,

in respect of any such pupil, including any such pupil whose previous selection by ballot, or whose allotment, has lapsed as contemplated in section 66B(5).


(2)Every such principal or person so in charge or responsible or persons so acting shall, within 14 days after having supplied the particulars referred to in subsection (1), notify every such pupil in writing of the fact that the particulars have been supplied to the registering officer.


(3)Any person who during a particular year will not be 26 years of age, excluding a person registered in terms of subsection (1) read with subsection (4), and who obtains or has obtained a senior certificate or a qualification which is in terms of or under any law deemed to be equivalent to or of a higher educational standing than a senior certificate (irrespective of whether such qualification has been obtained within or outside the Republic or has been obtained at a secondary or tertiary academic or technical school, college, university or other institution), shall, if such person is a citizen, within 30 days after obtaining the qualification, or if he becomes a citizen, within 30 days after becoming a citizen, supply the registering officer with the particulars referred to in subsection (1).


(4)All persons in respect of whom the information has been furnished in terms of subsections (1) and (3), shall be registered by the registering officer, and thereafter they shall be deemed to be registered for the purposes of this Act.


(5)The registering officer shall issue every person registered in terms of subsection (4) with a certificate of registration, which may, in the event of the said information having been provided in terms of subsection (1), be sent to the school, college or institution where such a person is a pupil.


(6)Any person who has been registered under this section shall—
(a)within 14 days after being requested thereto in writing by the registering officer, which request may under the circumstances referred to in subsection (5) be sent to the school, college or institution concerned; or
(b)before a date notified by the registering officer by notice in the Gazette,

supply the registering officer with such additional information as may be requested by him or made known by him by notice in the Gazette.


(7)Any registration which took place in terms of this section before the substitution thereof by the Defence Second Amendment Act, 1993, shall lapse if the person so registered was not before such substitution allotted under section 67.


(8)Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (7), the registering officer may for the purpose of executing his functions under this Act, make use of any information in his possession regarding any registration which has so lapsed.


[Section 63 substituted by section 27 of Act No. 134 of 1993]