Dental Technicians Act, 1979 (Act No. 19 of 1979)


Regulations regarding the Registration and Training of Student Dental Technicians and Student Dental Technologists, 2022

6. Composition of the evaluation panel

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(1)Subject to the approval of Council, the evaluation panel should comprise:
(a)A member of Council as chairperson;
(b)The head of programme or department of dental technology at one of the other Universities of Technology or a senior dental technology: academic of such a university.
(c)Any other persons the council may wish to include in order to allow for expertise from the disciplines of fixed and removable prosthodontics and orthodontics;
(d)In attendance: a Council observer; and
(e)Council secretariat.


(2)The Council must determine and publish, by rules, from time to time, fees payable to members of the evaluation panel for the evaluation of the training and the educational institution and for the preparation of the evaluation report for accreditation or re-accreditation contemplated in these regulations.


(3)The Registrar must pay members of the evaluation panel fees and disbursements due to the members of the evaluation panel on the submission, to the registrar, of the final evaluation report.