Dental Technicians Act, 1979 (Act No. 19 of 1979)


Regulations relating to the Registration of Dental Laboratories and Related Matters: Amendment 2025

13. Conditions and Requirements Applicable to Dental Laboratories

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The conditions and requirements for the registration of a dental laboratory subject to registration in terms of the Act are as follows:


(a) Subject to the provisions of the Factories, Machinery and Building Work Act, 1941, a dental laboratory shall comply with the following minimum requirements:
(i) At least 2,25 m2 of clear floor space shall be allowed for each person working in a dental laboratory.
(ii) Adequate means of ventilation, air-cooling or creating air movement shall be installed and maintained in good working condition.
(iii) Hoods, air channels and fans or other adequate means of removing fumes, dust, fluff, smoke or offensive gases shall be installed and maintained in good working condition.
(iv) Hoods, air channels and fans or other adequate means of counteracting the effects of heat and steam shall be installed and maintained in good working condition.
(v) The means of obtaining natural light in a dental laboratory shall not be less than 15 per cent of the floor space of each room of the laboratory and shall be adequately diffused. Should the natural light be inadequate for the work to be properly carried on in a room, the owner shall supplement it by such artificial lighting as has been approved by an inspector and is to the satisfaction of the council.
(vi)All windows, artificial light fittings, roof lights and fanlights shall be cleaned regularly.
(vii) Sufficient toilet facilities shall be available for use by persons of each sex working in a dental laboratory: Provided that at least one toilet shall be provided for every 15 such persons.
(viii) A dental laboratory shall be kept in a clean state and free of any smell or leakage arising from any drain, toilet or other source on the premises of the laboratory.
(ix) Proper receptacles for refuse and other waste matter shall be provided and regularly emptied.
(x) All workbenches, shelves and cabinets shall be cleaned daily to remove any dust, refuse and other waste matter.
(xi) Proper and sufficient shelves and cabinets shall be provided for the storage of materials, liquids and other goods normally used in a dental laboratory.
(xii) Proper and sufficient workbenches shall be installed and maintained in good working condition for use by all persons doing the work of a dental technician in a dental laboratory and a working space of at least one metre in width shall be reserved for each such person.
(xiii) Proper seating accommodation with suitable backrests shall be provided for the persons doing the work of a dental technician in a dental laboratory.
(xiv) All dental laboratories shall be equipped with adequate fire extinguishers which shall be maintained in good working condition.
(xv) All equipment and fittings in a dental laboratory shall be maintained in good working condition to protect any person working with such equipment from any injury or possible injury.
(xvi) All holders containing flammable gas or apparatus for the manufacture of such gas shall be placed in such a position that they will not pose any risk of injury to any person working in a dental laboratory.


(b) A dental laboratory shall not be used by two or more persons who are not partners for the performance of any activity specially pertaining to the profession of a dental technician.


(c) A dental laboratory, together with the equipment, shall not without the prior approval of the council be subdivided, sublet or used by more than one owner.


(d) A dental laboratory shall at all times be used by at least one dentist for the performance of any activity specially pertaining to the profession of a dental technician.


(e) No work or business, or related work, other than that specially pertaining to the work of a dental technician shall be performed in a dental laboratory.


(f) Entry to a dental laboratory shall be direct from a public passage or other public place or from outside or such other entrance as the council may determine: Provided that entry to a laboratory from a fire-escape shall not be considered a direct entry.