Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions: National framework for tuition and accommodation fees for academic year 2020 in the public higher education institutions

2. Background

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2.1 The lockdown resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic in the higher education sector from March 2020 has resulted in changes to the 2020 academic year.  The majority of higher education students returned to their respective homes in or around March 2020, and students are returning to campuses of public higher education institutions as part of a phase-in risk-adjusted approach in terms of national criteria adapted by individual institutions.


2.2Consequently, many students had to vacate their student accommodation, but will be returning in terms of the national criteria and institutional adaptation thereof (Gazette no 43414 dated 8 June 2020). The approach has been to ensure that all considerations are based on saving lives and saving the academic year, while giving all students a fair opportunity to succeed academically and complete the 2020 academic year.


2.3While the majority of students have not been living in their on or off campus-based accommodation for parts of the 2020 academic year, remote multi-model teaching and learning has continued for students and will continue for those who have not returned under the current temporary lockdown regulations.


2.4The 2020 academic year will be extended and is likely to only be completed in the first part of the 2021 calendar year, depending on the epidemiology and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  This extension has implications for accommodation and tuition costs.


2.5All public higher education institutions have committed to complete the 2020 academic year.  The exact dates will differ for institutions, but will include periods of remote teaching and learning and fact to fact/contact teaching when allowed, to ensure that all students are given a fair opportunity to complete the academic year.


2.6The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has continued to disburse allowances to all NSFAS beneficiaries while the 2020 academic year is underway.


2.7Discussions with various public higher education institutions, NSFAS and a large number of private student accommodation providers has taken place.  These Directions are issued to ensure a common and coordinated approach.


2.8While it is recognised that there will be exceptions to the common national approach, the broad framework is outlined in these Directions in order to give guidance to as many individuals and institutions as possible.


2.9These Directions are issued in order to mitigate the possible effects of lockdown on student accommodation and tuition costs.