Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Classification of a National Disaster COVID-19

Notice No. 312 of 2020

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Notice No. 312

15 March 2020

GG 43096


Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs


I, Dr Mmaphaka Tau, in my capacity as Head of the National Disaster Management Centre after assessing the potential magnitude and severity of the COVID -19 pandemic in the country, hereby give notice that on 15 March 2020, in terms of section 23(1)(b) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) (the Act), classified the COVID-19 pandemic as a national disaster.


Emanating from the classification of this occurrence as a national disaster, in terms of section 26, read with section 23(8) of the Act, the primary responsibility to coordinate and manage the disaster, in terms of existing legislation and contingency arrangements, is designated to the national executive.


I hereby, in terms of Section 15(2)(aA) of the Act, read with section 23(8), call upon organs of state to further strengthen and support the existing structures to implement contingency arrangements and ensure that measures are put in place to enable the national executive to effectively deal with the effects of this disaster.


Also emanating from this classification, and the assistance provided by organs of state in terms of Section 23(8) and Sections 15(2)(aA) of the Act, organs of state are required to prepare and submit reports, as required by the National Disaster Management Centre and as outlined in Section 24(4)-(8) of the Act, to the respective intergovernmental forums as listed therein.



Dr Mmaphaka Tau

Head: National Disaster Management Centre

Department of Cooperative Governance
