Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions on risk adjusted strategy for Tourism facilities, services and products to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19

7. Directions for Conference and Meeting Venues

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Conference and meeting venues must comply with the following directions:


7.1 The number of persons entering a conference and meeting venue must not be more than 50 and the person managing the venue or organizing the conference or meeting must ensure compliance with the requirement relating to physical distancing, which is at least one and a half meters.


Records to be kept


7.2 The organiser of a conference or meeting or the person managing the venue must—
(a) keep a daily record of the full names, Identity Number or Passport Number, nationality, nature of position (i.e. temporary, casual or permanent), residential address, and cell phone numbers of employees and persons who enter their premises. In the case of an employee, the record obtained on the first day and as updated when necessary, remains valid for the duration of the employment;
(b) make such record available, should it be required in terms of the Regulations; and
(c) keep the record for the duration of the national state of disaster and retain the record for a period of six weeks after the end of the national state of disaster.


Screening, Sanitisation and Masks


7.3 The person managing the venue or the organiser of the conference or meeting must—
(a) at reservation, conduct a screening questionnaire for every delegate and take precautionary measures to protect the delegates and others on the premises. Such measures may include denying a delegate access to the premises before the arrival of that delegate at the premises;
(b) set up screening stations before or after entrances, at the front of queues to facilitate screening of delegates at each and every entry;
(c) after screening, where necessary, isolate a person in a facility within the premises designated for isolation.
(d) not allow onto the premises, a person who is not wearing a cloth mask, or homemade item that covers the nose and mouth or another appropriate item to cover the nose and mouth;
(e) ensure that delegates wear masks at all times except when eating or drinking;
(f) sanitise delegates before they enter onto the premises;
(g) frequently sanitise delegates during their stay on the premises or provide delegates with sanitisers for frequent use;
(h) provide to delegates pens and papers upon request, and delegates must keep any such pens and papers in their possession. Any pens left must be wiped or disposed of, and paper left must be disposed of;
(i) only provide individual water and individual mints condiments. The use of containers or bowls is prohibited;
(j) sanitise microphone and podium after use by every person; and
(k) designate a seat for each delegate and not allow a delegate to change the seat.