Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Public Transport Services Directions, 2020

8. Loading capacity of Road Public Transport (Sedan, MiniBus, MidiBus)

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[Direction 8 Heading substituted by Notice No. 454, GG43212, dated 7 April 2020]


(1)The South African Civil Aviation Authority shall continue to monitor implementation of these Directions and the guidelines issued by the Minister of Transport.

[Direction 8(1) substituted by section 3 of Notice No. 615, GG43375, dated 30 May 2020]


(2) During the lockdown period, the following public transport vehicles must not carry more than 70% of their maximum licensed passenger seating capacity as follows:
(a) A minibus licensed to carry 10 passengers, is limited to carry a maximum of 7 passengers;
(b) a minibus licensed to carry 15 passengers, is limited to carry the maximum of 10 passengers; and
(c) a midibus licensed to carry a maximum of 22 passengers, is limited to carry a maximum of 15 passengers.


(3) All public transport operators must put measures in place to adhere to social distancing to curb the spread of COVID-19.


[Direction 8 substituted by Notice No. 454, GG43212, dated 7 April 2020]